The online racing simulator
This is what a group of southamerican kids is doing in a public server
They do voteban everyone that is not a part of them, I have been banned twice without any reason.

Today I joined the server again and got banned, I attach the replay to this message

You are free to join the server and watch it by yourself, it's called MehDemo.

I'd like to join that server because it's the one where i get the lowest ping.

Thanks in advance
Attached files
ban.mpr - 16.3 KB - 301 views
so mean
well i got banned there fast !
Now thats why I HATE the demo world of today, kids and utter destruction.
If only the old world came back...
Sounds about the same as when I played demo.
Quote from McEscher :Now thats why I HATE the demo world of today, kids and utter destruction.
If only the old world came back...

Why do you limit yourself to demo?
It was the same during my demo days. There is nothing one can do against it, other then contacting the person who runs the server.
#9 - kdo
Same thing here when i was demo. every time they vote for ban...

Plus if you get banned multiple time you may get a global 30 day ban!
Quote from :Why do you limit yourself to demo?

Probably because there is not much going on in S2 public racing either.
Nobody there now.
Quote from Flame CZE :Probably because there is not much going on in S2 public racing either.

No mass organized vote banning indeed. Its a shame!
Don´t worry, i will come back noobcrashing(but it is always an accident, I swear ) next month.
Quote from ACCAkut : I know its football atm, but come on

Football? You mean Germany? Phahaha... Bunch of cryers...

Who cares about football.. Who cares about GERMAN football?
Quote from ACCAkut :Your lads don't do that well either. If Robben hadn't faked that foul you'd may not be in the Cup now

actually nothing would've changed. Because the foul he faked didn't get called.
No idea what this talk is about but S2 server popularity is a problem for months, years even already .. No external event is going to make any change about that situation.

I am also surprised that all of a sudden it seems to be "my" responsibility with the "your/you" talking. I haven't been online the last months myself

But to be on demo, thats nice for 2, 3 months..
I don't make you responsible in any way, hell I think the cargame servers are one thing that kept LFS alive for the last years

I'm just babbling here, keeping myself occuüied while I'm watching the game with some friends. Football is not my favourite thing
No reason voteBan all players MEH SERVER
Quote from diego9972 :They do voteban everyone that is not a part of them, I have been banned twice without any reason.

Today I joined the server again and got banned, I attach the replay to this message

You are free to join the server and watch it by yourself, it's called MehDemo.

I'd like to join that server because it's the one where i get the lowest ping.

Thanks in advance

Hey diego, im get banned now at 1/7/2014.

the guy Ivancito click ban me and the other guy push 1 ! and i get banned.

only 24 seconds in server in mehserver. no reason. i have a pic with sony xperia and i go to upload here.
Quote from Jatimc :well i got banned there fast !

What the heck... It should say "Error, this user cannot be banned because you'd have to be able to catch him first. Not happening." lol