My reading of the InSim documentation agrees with your suggestion that I just send a MST type packet with "/ai <name>" in the Msg field. It may be a problem with my understanding of the dedicated server itself. If I'm running it and type "/end" that should put me in the setup screen where commands like "/ai <name>" work, right? It doesn't seem to work that way for me. So, maybe if I understand administration of the dedicated server better, I can answer my own question.
Now, assuming I just want to do it through InSim and disregard any other ways of accomplishing the same thing. I am using MST successfully to send other commands. What packet(s) would I need to send for adding AI?
Something like this?:
MST "/end"
MST "/ai <name>"
Which doesn't seem to work. Am I missing any flags that I need to set in the config script or ISI packet? Thanks for any help.