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learning HMTL
(27 posts, started )
learning HMTL
Hi am lreaning HTML am not doing bad i have got a few things do but i need to do a bit more but got some questions
1.How do i put a flash template in notepad so it will show on your browers
2. how do i but like a navgate thing on the left with links on it?
<embed src="location of flash here" width="size" height="size">

Thats for embedding flash into a website.

And for the nav bar, depends how complex you want. One of the easy ways would be to use tables, but many people rather use CSS for it.
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :
<embed src="location of flash here" width="size" height="size">

Thats for embedding flash into a website.

And for the nav bar, depends how complex you want. One of the easy ways would be to use tables, but many people rather use CSS for it.

i use notepad to make this test website
IMHO Frames is a better method for making a nav bar; that way it doesn't keep loading up everytime you change the page. I don't know anything about CSS though, so it may work similarily.
Yeah, I've always used notepad. I guess I should point you towards I learnt what I know from there.

Quote from MAGGOT :IMHO Frames is a better method for making a nav bar; that way it doesn't keep loading up everytime you change the page. I don't know anything about CSS though, so it may work similarily.

Frames get messy fast. If you don't want loading all the time, then php include works better as it just loads the content of the page as aposed to the whole layout (makes changing the layout easier too). But that is best saved for another day.
PHP is another thing I never learned. :P I only learned basic HTML in highschool, and I didn't like it enough to expand my knowledge any further.

Quote from faster111 :i use notepad to make this test website

HTML codes are universal, you don't have a different code from one program to another. The code P5YcHoM4N posted for flash is the correct code to use.
One would consider ones self lucky to have learnt it in highschool, I got bored one year and taught myself it (mostly by reading the source from websites and just playing with code until it did what I wanted, plus I did the htmlgoodies 7 days course), then when I started college I already knew more then the tutors, so I spent the 3 years there telling them they were wrong and correcting their errors :/

I still know very little, and as I can never think of designs, I usally have a friend design one, then I just string it up (like my current one).
#8 - joen
Frames are a no-go as far as I'm concerned. So what if it's loaded everytime you refresh the page? It's really html from a decade ago. It causes problems for search engines for instance.
An unordered list or definition list is a common way to make a navigation menu.
CSS is definitely very usefull to learn. When used correctly it can cramatically reduce the size of a page. Plus it's a lot easier to change the look of your page and have it applied across multiple pages.

I also wouldn't recommend relying solely on the <embed> tag as it's not part of the html specification and will cause problems in basically every browser but IE. Although these problems mainly arise when displaying video or audio.

The complete way I embed media files:

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" width="100" height="100">
<param name="movie" value="flashfile.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<embed src="flashfile.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100" height="100"></embed>

whats the code for joen.
#10 - joen
Just an example of embedding a flash file into a webpage
Quote from joen :Just an example of embedding a flash file into a webpage

ok where would i get a flash template for free?
#12 - joen
Quote from faster111 :ok where would i get a flash template for free?

what do you mean with a flash template though?
I mean Flash can be so many things; a navigation menu, an animated logo, etc...
Or do you mean a complete webpage in flash? In that case, I don't know really. I don't use flash all that often anymore, and I never use pre-made templates.

I googled this, don't know if it's any good:
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :then when I started college I already knew more then the tutors, so I spent the 3 years there telling them they were wrong and correcting their errors :/

Funny enough, I had to do the same in Grade 11 with the yearbook class (Yes, it was a class at my school). I didn't know anything about publishing and the like, but when it came to anything to do with images, I had to correct her. As stubborn as she was, she would eventually give up the argument because she couldn't win, then she would do it her way, and the printing company would say it was wrong, and send it back to us to fix it. At which point we did it my way, and all was fine.

Anywho.. yes... HTML...
I makes you wonder what sort of chumps hire staff at schools these days. My first tutor at college only had a degree in music, and she was the ICT tutor, of course I had to teach her what she was teaching, and when I filed a complaint about her knowing jack shite she started to cry :/

Though I guess I should be nicer to teachers because I've been told I'd make a good one, and I'm tempted to become one.
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Though I guess I should be nicer to teachers because I've been told I'd make a good one, and I'm tempted to become one.

You fool!

College teachers seem to be, for the most part, the people who couldn't make it in the real world so they get a job at a college. However; if you become a college professor, let me know the course and the school, and I'll swing by for a lesson :P
Haha, it's so true. One guy we had spent his life building the database system the NHS uses in hospitals, and retired with stacks of cash, but was bored so he got a job there as a hobby. =p

If I was to become a teacher/prof of any sort, I'd have to move to Canada first. I love the idea of being that crazy English guy =p
The crazy English guy is ALWAYS the favorite professor. I had two of them this year, and each one taught two of my classes
Haha, the English are invading Canada, one school at a time.
I got a background at last but not a flash one but it will do for what i want the website to do.
#21 - avih
Why don't you just use "view source" on a web page that does what you want?
Thanks more a welcome tho
Quote from Lible :Guides with a lot of information and articles:

Specs aren't really guides / tutorials, are they?
Quote from filur :Specs aren't really guides / tutorials, are they?

yeah i need a tutorial for makeing navgate menus

learning HMTL
(27 posts, started )