I'm definitely not smart enough as I'm having the same issue.

All the necessary ports on the router (DD-WRT) are open, .exes allowed on the Win7 firewall...
The weird thing is that I used to host servers just fine some time ago.
Had some problems to host other games, opened up the correct ports on the router and they all worked but for LFS something must be missing, I just don't see what!
To Recap things: static IP set on the .cfg file (/ip=mystaticlanip).
Ports 63392 and 29339 open both on UDP and TCP protocols...
Server set to show on master list (/usemaster=yes)
.exes allowed to access the internet on the Win7 Firewall
What else could I be missing?
The server does not show on the master list and I can't access it even from the same machine on which the server is hosted...
When I or anyone try to login the Dcon.exe shows "Guest wants to join" and after a while the client sees "Connect timed out".
If I try to connect it on the same machine via local network using the static LAN ip I get the "ClientConnect: connect failed".
Used a program called "PFPortChecker" to check if the ports are open and both ports are, on both protocols...
This is bugging me a lot.
Don't really know what to do. Any help would be pretty welcome.