The online racing simulator
Provisional NDR Sporting Code Update July 2014
Please find attached an updated NDR Sporting Code. A few minor updates, but one big one:

Driver Licencing System

All drivers who enter an NDR event will be automatically granted a licence. While we populate the licence base with racers, the grade restrictions on events won't apply, but the tracking of penalty points on your licence will. All drivers should consider themselves on the "Grade E Licence" until we go through the entirety of NDR history to see where people are. It'll take several months to do, but it will get done over time.

You will earn penalty points based on the penalty assigned: eg a DT is worth 1 point, a DQ is worth 3, and so on. All penalty levels have points assigned to them in the penalties section of the Sporting Code. When you earn 12 points, you will receive an automatic three-month NDR exclusion. Points will expire 6 months after the end of the season or single event in which they were issued.

Other changes are just in wording, also added a couple items to the rFactor and rFactor 2 specific section. Driver naming has been moved into Software-Specific.

The new version is attached; provided no great complaints before 00:00 UTC on 28 July 2014, it will go into effect and be officially posted at that time. Additions in blue, items in red and struck through are deleted.
Attached files
NDRSportingCode_July2014.pdf - 292.6 KB - 799 views
I am very OK with this. Do have a question though.

How static are those points. I mean is it possible that if you like lock your brakes into the pits and go 3 kph too fast into the pits and get a dt, that you say that it's such a small infringement it's not 1 point worthy. Or is is strictly DT is 1 point, however you get it. Just like the other way around, if you pit maneuver someone, can you lets say give him 9 points?
Quote from CodeLyoko1 :I mean is it possible that if you like lock your brakes into the pits and go 3 kph too fast into the pits and get a dt, that you say that it's such a small infringement it's not 1 point worthy. Or is is strictly DT is 1 point, however you get it. Just like the other way around, if you pit maneuver someone, can you lets say give him 9 points?

Stay with it as you read it. Making any exceptions would drop this whole system again and we could let it go anyway if we make "holes" in this code again.

I really like this idea and great to see you guys taking it seriously, finally giving this a good system which's helping us to be more organized and cleaner.

Stick with it and stay strict.
Why not make it easy for yourself and just say no penalty points will be applied before this date. Then you don't have to go searching. We haven't had GTWS for about that long.

Also I think the ranking system is quite silly because we struggle for attendance as it is.
The ONLY retroactive thing will be licence grades. I'm going to expand the grade upgrade system after some thought about it to decide how best to judge it. Penalty points will be tracked beginning once this SC version goes live.

Grades won't matter much for a while anyway, until the database gets populated. Each series will have its grade requirements set in its rulesbook.

No exceptions for auto-issued penalties - of course if we cancel it because it's induced by others, it won't be counted against you. Don't want a point for speeding? Don't speed.
What about grading on pro-am events? Overall result or class?
Quote from dekojester :No exceptions for auto-issued penalties - of course if we cancel it because it's induced by others, it won't be counted against you. Don't want a point for speeding? Don't speed.

So basically if someone is bad at pit entries and speeds 12 times,where he damages ONLY his own race,he's out (or not allowed in other series because of lower licence grade),while someone else rays the half field out by a stupid move,he get's DQ,he's still welcome back. Fair logic. Dekologic warning!
It's not common sense it's dekosense
I do tend to agree. But I assume intentional wrecking or egregious violations could results in more. Also, what about making points expire in 3 months rather than 6? Seems more reasonable in my opinion.
Updated to include level upgrade request qualifications and info.

It'll go into effect in about 25h from now if no major complaints
so if I complain... I hat myself for this joke
One final update before it goes live; added a bit to livery regulations banning offensive / pornographic / et al skins, and defined "leaving the racing surface" as having less than two whole wheels on the racing surface.
So, by this new ruling then the wide curbing at BL1's second to final corner or so (the one before pit entrance) would be considered as running off.

If this is the case I would recommend putting some sort of marker (cone, pole, chalk whatever) on the border between the curb and grass crete in areas that one may consider questionable.
Quote from Bmxtwins :So, by this new ruling then the wide curbing at BL1's second to final corner or so (the one before pit entrance) would be considered as running off.

If this is the case I would recommend putting some sort of marker (cone, pole, chalk whatever) on the border between the curb and grass crete in areas that one may consider questionable.

It is currently only feasible to enforce when reported as part of an overtake or other such action. It is not feasible nor really possible to have judges of fact / marshals to watch every possible area - and object hit detection has limitations.

So generally, enforcement apart from protested incidents will only be for specific problem corners where we feel it necessary to track - eg the boothy chicane, etc.