Quote from Scawen :If you read our licensing thing, it's really cheap, and negotiable (for lower use cases).

It appears that, apart from not discussing this with us, they have not displayed any information like our logo and website address, as stated on our information page.

See, when it's like that and someone is charging £1000 per week for the whole package, but not giving us any credit at all, we obviously need to investigate.

I see that your intention is not making millions out of that small licensing fee, but rather the fact that some people who jump in and are willing to throw some bucks out of the window for a few minutes of fun could potentially come here and do the same thing, using your service rather than playing around in a sloppy supermarket.
Hi guys,

I'm currently second on the adult leaderboard (Munir C) with a 43.78. Apart from the licensing issues which I hope get sorted, I think this is awesome. The physics and controls feel intuitive and this is the first time I've used a pedal set with a firm brake pedal. The hydraulic motion is a little slow and so it can feel disorientating at first when turning quickly. Overall it's a lot of fun!!

I'm new to LFS although I tried it once before. I just bought a new license to practice on at home but I'm practicing on a laptop using arrow keys! Not ideal. :P

I'm hoping to go back and try to improve before the last day (31st Aug), although if you LFS veterans are going then I might be wasting my money!

I'm told the setup is default, mainly the gear ratios are too long, so I'm sure the world record quoted earlier won't be beaten. I don't think I'll go any faster than a 43 seconds though.

My main question: can the chicaine be taken flat using this car on this track?

Any other tips??

Good to see LFS still going strong!

#28 - troy

Yeah, I've watched some replays on youtube of 41s laps and it was clear they were using a faster setup. Like I said gears too long by default for a start. You only just get into 6th before the start finish line. But it'll be the same for everyone so I'm not complaining! :P

More practice and I'll be back!
Quote from choupolo :Thanks!

Yeah, I've watched some replays on youtube of 41s laps and it was clear they were using a faster setup. Like I said gears too long by default for a start. You only just get into 6th before the start finish line. But it'll be the same for everyone so I'm not complaining! :P

More practice and I'll be back!

If you can, drop the starting fuel to like 5%, did a 43.36 on default setup - took the chicane in 5th and lifted a little.
#31 - troy
Also had a go with default set just for giggles, and I think 43's is pretty good already for a motion sim with default set. Did a 42.8 on my comfy chair but I suck in single seaters so I guess people with talent will probably do 41's even with default set. Couldn't take the chicane flat mainly because of tyre temps and zero camber, but that could again be my lack of talent.
Someone should really go to make a laptime who no one can ever break it. How much it even costs to make a one, if counting travelling, joining and other stuff etc etc ( like eating, for me, it is better to make racing with mid-full stomach)
Quote from Scawen :If you read our licensing thing, it's really cheap, and negotiable (for lower use cases).

It appears that, apart from not discussing this with us, they have not displayed any information like our logo and website address, as stated on our information page.

See, when it's like that and someone is charging £1000 per week for the whole package, but not giving us any credit at all, we obviously need to investigate.

Ouch. I hope you get this sorted as quickly as possible.
The replays are helpful. And it's good to know what kind of times are possible with a default setup. I'll aim for 42s but I don't think I'll get there to be honest!

Positive thinking though! It's worth a few more goes even just for the challenge of fastest lap.
Quote from choupolo :The replays are helpful. And it's good to know what kind of times are possible with a default setup. I'll aim for 42s but I don't think I'll get there to be honest!

Positive thinking though! It's worth a few more goes even just for the challenge of fastest lap.

You can go flat through the chicane although it's bumpy - on that motion sim it may throw you off, turn in as soon as you've entered it
That was the next thing I was going to try, keep it flat in 5th and turn right as soon as I'm level with the first bit. My time was set taking it in 4th and lifting throughout the chicaine, only getting back on just before coming out of it. But it is bumpy like you say so I always too scared of losing the back or going straight into the barrier on the left!

By the way, the fuel level is set at 4% on the rig so you get 3 laps for £5 essentially. And they don't let you change a thing. There's usually a few people watching so you've gotta not let that put any added pressure on you!

Performance anxiety!
Quote : Someone should really go to make a laptime who no one can ever break it.

Seems someone is working on it:

Although I think that guy should know to enter turns from outside

On one picture looks a bit like they start from pit garages.
If yes, then you start with cold(ish) tires. Could try some wiggly driving in first lap to warm them up. If you do not start in a garage but on the road (on an uphill-straight before last turn) then they use hotlapping mode and you already have warm tires.

On the ingame-wheel-display-thing you can see fuel and brakebalance.
Default setup uses 65% brakebalance, if it shows something else then they use different set. Fuel matters for weight, if you want to practice at home then set the same value.

Apart from WR replays could also look at replays from races because there drivers take bit more careful lines instead of going 110%, which you probally can not do in the short time they might give you.
For example:
Go to row "Round 3" then click Race 1/2 from Grid 1,2 or 3.
Top right click (replay) to download.
If you look at "Bestzeiten" (=best lap times), even in the slowest grid #3 almost every driver did <43s laps, which would still be new record.
So the current record might seem slow at first but at home with one's known equipment it is of course way easier than in new environment...

-Flatout through chicane is imo not worth it, with default setup I did not manage that.
Better lift off a bit or even brake to stabilize. In record replays they might go flatout but the setups are different and I doubt the tenths that you lose there are what makes the difference.

-Start of first lap: Go very wide line so that you start the lap with as much speed as possible. Every time you mess up the current lap and record is no longer possible, start the next lap like that.
Remember the split times so you know whether to "continue" or "retry."

-First turn you can brake very late, somewhere between the last two overhead distance markers.

-Have a friend record you (film the screens) then look where you lost time. Think if you post such video in forum people would look at it too, maybe some improvements could be found?
Yes it starts in hotlapping mode half way up the hill. The brake bias is 65% like you say and they give you 4% fuel. The manager told me the settings are all default.

I'm sure I could shave off a few tenths on the 2nd corner (the one to brake for) by maintaining a higher entry speed, and the final corner by keeping the minimum speed up. But I'm sure all my time is lost at the chicane by spending too long off the throttle.

If I take it with a little lift I think my best time will be low 43s. The problem is with my cornering already a little shaky, the motion disorientation really makes it tough to thread the needle!

Thanks for the tips!
I tried few laps and best was 42:13. I think low 42 is best what people could do there, maybe high 41 is possible but I think it's difficult to drive with new rig.
Sue them!
Just wanted to say, the man who is renting out the motion simulators with LFS installed, has replied to us and is happy to work with us on a licensing deal.
Quote from Scawen :Just wanted to say, the man who is renting out the motion simulators with LFS installed, has replied to us and is happy to work with us on a licensing deal.

Great news!
does he also have a deal with perisoft for copying his motion rig design? ^^
Good to hear, Scawen!
Nice to see that companies use and respect LFS and devs
Quote from nacim :Nice to see that companies use and respect LFS and devs

Yes I'm sure there was a cheque in the post to Scawen already...

This company is lucky imo, based on what we're hearing, that Scawen is prepared to come to some agreement for licensing with them rather than go down the legal-action route.
http://www.lfsworld.net/?win=h ... ;country=&controller=

Ok so I managed to get a 43.58. I've uploaded it onto lfsworld which you'll be able to see above if you filter it by controller - keyb. stabilised (wasn't sure how to give you the direct link to the filtered page).

What's interesting is using the hotlap analyser on lfsworld. I compared my lap with the quickest guy using a keyboard who was only a tenth quicker than me and it's clear he has a better gear setup - I catch him in the corners and he gets away at the end of straights. Very cool feature!!

Let me know what you think.
Quote from choupolo :...

What's interesting is using the hotlap analyser on lfsworld. I compared my lap with the quickest guy using a keyboard who was only a tenth quicker than me and it's clear he has a better gear setup - I catch him in the corners and he gets away at the end of straights. Very cool feature!!

I did do a 43.38 but I forgot to save the replay!

Let me know what you think.

tire pressure, downforce and when you are fully accelerating the car in the last corner are better way to investigate for speed on straight line
Quote from sinbad :rather than go down the legal-action route.

Involving legal-action wouldn't really benefit from neither side (except lawyers, court, ...).
Quote from nacim :Nice to see that companies use and respect LFS and devs

... as soon as they're caught red handed breaching the license agreement.