Performance when you are racing online -
To explain what I meant, and want to ask about is -

I have seen a lot of LFS movies, when people record online races and such, and has aswell made some by myself.

One thing that hit me - on the other movies, even if they are online, and even if it`s same race, I can clearly see that it looks like the other got more stable-better sync with the other people. I`ll try to explain this better, since my english is rather bad. I mean, if you are totalyl sync, it will look like you are racing with AI`s in offline mode, you will not see cars that has some funny "bumps", when sliding or doing corners.

However, when I look at my replays, recorded from online races, I see that there is a lot different from offline and online mode. I do perfectly understand it should be this way, because ìt`s over internett, and it`s meant to lag some
But it lags not much, but far more than most of the videos out there, that I have compared to my online performance, or sync, or whatever - I do hope you understand what I mean, I am bad in english and I got a small amount of words to use, aswell as my grammar :/

I aswell know, that the internett line has aallooot to say when it comes to performance. But if you use programs like netlimiter, you can from time to time check how much LFS are using of your internett, when racing online.
I got a line, on 2MBIT download (250 kb / second), and a (50kb / second) upload. When looking at netlimiter during online races, I see that it only uses some KB`s, and should not suffer from too slow internett line. So I guess it`s not my internett that produses more lag to me than other.

So the final thing that I thinked about was my computer. I have heared that the CPU itself can affect you latency ALOT during online racing.
But I cannot see that I got a too slow computer for LFS or anything, I got a geforce 6600GT (AGP), 1024MB ram and 2700 mhz / 2.7 ghz.
My heat is not a problem eighter I belive, since I got something like 5 fans inside the computer.

I really hope someone can help me, increasing my online sync/latency/performance, by eighter game options, computer tech support or any other info, and I do hope you was able to understand what I have been trying to write.
Maybe only me that is stupid, but less lags means more fun to me, the day I would race with people, that lags like nothing, almost like a AI car in offline mode- then I would be very very happy
But that if it is possible of course, it may only be me that fools myself here now, but at least I would like to know, why people in movies and suchs, seems to have a LOT less lag than me, and yes, I have compared vidoes, same ones, to make sure I know that it`s not kind of offline, or lan racing.

Best wishes, and hope for help
The Very.. N00b?
hi endy - wassssaaa

i know what you mean - your video is 'steppy' 'jerkey' 'laggy'?

I tried making movie with Fraps & got same thing - im not too sure why really cos it could be a number of things. Im sure some nice LFSer with some Interweb/Video/Fraps/Codec knowledge will sort it out for ya.

Peace G

EDIT - just had idea, try recording a movie while 'offline' but with 12 ai & see what happens
Hey Furball : ))))
Thanks for reply


The problem is something else, I mean, I compare movies to my LFS (mpr) movies. These movies can still only be looked inside the game, but even then I can see that other replays, got far less lagged cars compared to me :s

It`s kind of hard of me discripe it very well, but try and see if you do
I`m am thankfull for any help, advices or tips you got

Edit - it`s not FPS problem, my FPS is normally 50+, from 60-120 most times, depending on how many cars, track etc etc..
What I mean is that ONLY the other human cars, lags, not much, but not as smooth as the movies around.
I checked my PC for virus, adwares and spyware that can harm your PC and internett speed, I got none of those probs, used 3 Antivirus programs, and at least as many spyware program checker.
#4 - bal00
When talking about internet connections, don't confuse bandwidth and latency. Let's say you have a truck filled with 10800 harddrives, 320GB each. If it takes 3 hours (10800 seconds) to drive from point A to point B, you're moving 320GB/sec. Great bandwidth, but really poor latency...

Basically bandwidth depends on the type of service (dial-up, ISDN, DSL etc.) and latency depends on the quality of service. You can have a 64kbit ISDN line with great pings and you can have a 10mbit DSL line with poor pings. The type of CPU is not really relevant for lag.

You should try a tool like Pingplotter that measures your latency and packet loss to different servers. Unless it's a network problem on your side (wireless?), chances are your ISP just has a poorly designed/managed or overloaded/oversold network.
My internett provider is Tele2, an norwegian company.
The network is not wireless.
I don`t know if this is what you meant, but anyway the distance to the "central", that gives my house internett is only some 100`s meters away, so I don`t think it takes long from a distance to a other, if that is what you meant.

And about pings, when refreshing server list inside LFS, most servers are with a ping on 30-60, and some are lke 100+ but not much over, and on the bodom are the private ones with couple of 100`s in ping.

I am connected to a router, but the other person in the house, don`t use his internett connection, in fact hes computer hasn`t been turned on for ages ^^ So it`s no problem that hes using the internett, and makes me suffer from it when racing.

It`s not big lag talking about her, but it feels more "real", when the cars not do those small lags every now and then

But I am no expert, so it may be that I missunderstood what you meant..

Edit : Adsl is what I got I belive.
#6 - bal00
The problem is that ISP's usually oversell their services. That means if there are 1000 DSL users in your area with 2MBit each, the ISP knows that not everyone will be online and using their 2MBit at the same time. So basically the ISP will only design the "central" for 200 people or so and use a 200MBit line, not 1000 people and 2000MBit. All ISP's do this to some extent, but some are worse than others. Of course when 300 or 400 people use their DSL now, it will be slow and laggy.

I'm not saying this is your problem, but it could be, especially if lag is a problem at peak times when lots of people are online (late afternoon/early evening).

In any case it would be a good idea to have a look at Pingplotter because it will help you find out where the problem lies.
#7 - filur
What bal00 is saying is, ping and lag are not directly related to your amount of bandwidth (speed), latency (ping, lag) depends on how fast a bit of information can travel from your computer to its destination, it doesn't matter if your connection can push 100kb or 1000kb thru the wires per second, what matters is how fast 0.001 kb can move from point A to point B disregarding the total amount of information you're sending.

About replays being laggy, LFS in multiplayer mode has a maximum rate of 6 position updates per second, and most servers run at an even lower rate to save bandwidth. This means a multiplayer game can basically never be as smooth as an offline game, provided cars move fast enough so their movements cannot be covered by these 6 updates per second. UF1's tend to jerk around less, BF1's tend to jerk around more.

As for movies being smoother then your mpr's, this can be the result of picking out scenes which doesn't lag too much, or a bit of frame blending or blurring to cover up tiny amounts of lag. Movies also run at a lower frame rate then the game which could also cover up small amounts of lag.
Ok, now I got what you meant
Well, it does not look like there is anything I can do then, I just have to accept the lag, but it`s not much, so don`t bother me much. Just wanted to ask if there was a possibility to get less lag, but that seems impossible do to the packages / sedond thing you descibed. And changing internett provider would not work eighter in my case, but it`s not a big problem.

Anyway, I am thankfull for the help you have offered me, and the explaining of different things.

Thank you - have a nice day, probally see you online
If you have some close LFS friends, you could get them round your house and have a LAN Party, that way there would be no lag and its also easier to co-ordinate videos if thats what your doing (because you can talk to people right next to you).

Other than that, it might be worth visiting a friend's house with your computer to see (maybe they have a different ISP?) if the problem is limited to your ISP/Area.

Good luck
Quote from ButterTyres :If you have some close LFS friends, you could get them round your house and have a LAN Party, that way there would be no lag and its also easier to co-ordinate videos if thats what your doing (because you can talk to people right next to you).

Hahahaha, tell that to my friends at a LAN. Zombies, the lot of them