The online racing simulator
Or it can simply be added as another input mechanism. Mousepointer AND a little Rifts crosshair can be used simultanously. The trigger for activating a menu item with the Rifts crosshair then can be assigned to a wheel button.

When there is the need to input a text somewhere it can be entered with the real keyboard OR with the Rifts crosshair typing on a virtual keyboard (floating under the input box)
When you click the down arrow next to the codepage in the input box, it shows a table of all characters available for that code page. Maybe it could be useful with OR.
Another point may be that you can interact with the cockpit in this way.

Let´s say you want to press the horn then you look simply down to it and with the same little corsshairs which appears in the HUD you can press it with the "universal" wheel button .
Instead when looking to light switches then with the same wheel button you can turn lights on/off

The tiny crosshair will only be rendered when looking around in the cockpit (or the HUD is shown of course)
Yes, I'll try Titans soon, I like astronomy and I hope that works well on my computer!

I just wanted to mention there is a special official Rift host (on our server) called "Get your Rift on" which is intended for Rift users who may be new to LFS and don't want to get in the way of all the experienced racers. It's just a fun host so please keep it that way and be helpful to the new people!

We have a special web spectate program you can access from

To join from LFS you can either look in the List of Hosts or just "Join specific host" and enter the name. Or click this link : lfs://join=Get%20your%20Rift%20on

Don't be shy, someone has to be the first one there!
Quote from Scawen :Yes, I'll try Titans soon, I like astronomy and I hope that works well on my computer!

It's great, along with Solar System Explorer. If you get headtracking judder in ToS, I noticed the direct mode to be completely smooth, after only leaving my main monitor enabled... so far the only demo where extended mode has given worse performance.

By the way, as the track loading screen is very choppy in LFS with the Rift, would it be possible to make it smoother and/or replace it with a blacked out screen with a simple "loading" text? Would be a bit nicer user experience.
Scawen, not sure if you know that, but you can include needed runtime libraries into LFSORDLL.dll. In that case there will be no need for users to have MSVC 2010 installed, it will increase size of dll by few KBs, but thats nothing to 8 MB already
Just change Runtime Library from multithreaded DLL (default) to multithreaded
Although I don't know if there is some side software with OR that require MSVC++ 2010 anyway.
Attached images
Hi all, first post in forums!
I had same error as you simg and solved this way:

1. Uninstall all microsoft visual c++ redistributables (I had several installed 2008, 2010, 2013 x32 and x64...)


3.manually erase

-and your LFS directory if you put there any copy.


5. Install the vcredist packages Difital0 put above, both of them.

6.Reboot and open lfs

That worked for me hope solve your problem!!!

awesome, this completely fixed my issue. many thanks for posting

game now works beautifully
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Scawen, not sure if you know that, but you can include needed runtime libraries into LFSORDLL.dll. In that case there will be no need for users to have MSVC 2010 installed, it will increase size of dll by few KBs, but thats nothing to 8 MB already
Just change Runtime Library from multithreaded DLL (default) to multithreaded
Although I don't know if there is some side software with OR that require MSVC++ 2010 anyway.

Thank you Daniel, I did not know that. I am using VC2010 for the LFSORDLL anyway, although LFS is still in VC6.

I have attached an LFSORDLL.dll recompiled with the setting Daniel suggested. This should reduce dependency on external libraries. The DLL in this zip goes in your LFS folder, overwriting the original LFSORDLL.dll

Hope it solves something for someone! I think it's a better setting to use.

P.S. I see simg you solved it. Thanks for your patience! Well done, dandealer. Maybe we will never know...
Attached files - 276.5 KB - 555 views
You are welcome, I found this info from various sources when looking how to solve that problem. By the way really nice game I discovered thanks tomy dk2, I will buy it as soon as I can
>Thanks for your patience!

Thanks for your time and a great game
I can't seem to post pics in this forum
Quote from simg :dandealer,

awesome, this completely fixed my issue. many thanks for posting

game now works beautifully

It's working. What an awesom feling of presence. Congrats to the Dev(s).
And Thanks to everyone who helped with the OR dll issue.

I want to buy the full license but I have one last issue.
Despite constant 75 frames I have stutter or judder of the world passing me.
This is most noticible when locking 90 degree out the window watching the scenerie passing by.
It is very noticible constant micro stutter or judder.
It is the same on a normal monitor.

I tried a lot of settings, vsync on of, anti aliasing on of, different res. and Hz, high lw settings.

Anybody has an idea on how to get rid of this.

I want to enjoy this almost perfect sim/game.
I'm not sure but I think that is because the physics updates are at 100 Hz but the frame rate is at 75 Hz. So there are 4 physics updates every 3 graphical frames. That means you have 2 frames with one physics update each and then one frame with 2 physics updates in it.

There is a possible solution for this but I'm not planning on tackling it soon because it's hard to do and there are higher priorities. That involves storing states of all cars and world objects between physics updates so that a frame can be displayed at times other than at the 0.01 second intervals.
yeah its definitely a problem of not syncing the physics updates with the monitor
the only reliable solution for it was my old crt which supported arbitrary refreshrates of 100hz and above

the other solution is like scawen mentioned by enabling the graphics to interpolate between physics steps (most easily achieved with decoupling the physcis and graphics into seperate thread afaik) but that has the downside of introducing lag between your inputs and the graphics
Quote from HackMac :Yes!
It's working. What an awesom feling of presence. Congrats to the Dev(s).
And Thanks to everyone who helped with the OR dll issue.

I want to buy the full license but I have one last issue.
Despite constant 75 frames I have stutter or judder of the world passing me.
This is most noticible when locking 90 degree out the window watching the scenerie passing by.
It is very noticible constant micro stutter or judder.
It is the same on a normal monitor.

I tried a lot of settings, vsync on of, anti aliasing on of, different res. and Hz, high lw settings.

Anybody has an idea on how to get rid of this.

I want to enjoy this almost perfect sim/game.

Are you running in SLI? I had that until I forced pre render frames to 1, set performance mode to best or something like that instead of multi monitor. Or disable SLI.
Thanks for the quick replies everyone.

So then it is not a problem of my PC or settings. So I can stop optimizing around.

I will try the frames thing. In pcars that made a difference.

I will put some moe time into the sim today and then decide if the stutter prevents me to enjoy racing and if I want a full license or not.
Hmm, I guess disabling vsync and limiting to 100Hz would 'fix' that at the cost of a bit of tearing.
Quote from HackMac :...... I have stutter or judder of the world passing me. This is most noticeable when looking 90 degree out the window watching the scenery passing by.....

Maybe the easiest way round this is to not use such an extreme angle - else this could happen.
no need to limit the framerate since no matter what framerate you have beyond 100 fps the car wont move any quicker than 100 steps a second
Quote from Scawen :I'm not sure but I think that is because the physics updates are at 100 Hz but the frame rate is at 75 Hz. So there are 4 physics updates every 3 graphical frames. That means you have 2 frames with one physics update each and then one frame with 2 physics updates in it.

There is a possible solution for this but I'm not planning on tackling it soon because it's hard to do and there are higher priorities. That involves storing states of all cars and world objects between physics updates so that a frame can be displayed at times other than at the 0.01 second intervals.

I thought that interpolation of physical steps is a fairly simple thing.
Accumulating time since previous step, storing two states and interpolate between according to framerate and time.
That would cause inconsistent physics. For example physics wouldn't run the same at 10 FPS and 300 FPS.
I'm glad that someone has finally noticed that microstuter what I'm talking about for years and Scawen gave us acceptable reason for its existance. Everytime I mention it I get answers like buy better PC, CPU, GPU, ...
I do like the idea of separating physics and graphics on separate threads, however still due to not so high frequency of physics there will be "microstutter" (milistutter in fact ). To remove noticeable microstutter my best bet would be to increase physics frequency. Least common multiple of 100Hz (current physics) and 75Hz (OR) is 300Hz, perhaps its not such a good idea to use such a frequency, something like 1000Hz would be better and easier and other good thing about it is 0.001 s split precision. With higher frequency comes greater CPU usage, so thats another issue we will have to deal with.
I'm blissfully ignorant of such things, when people speak about physics and graphics operating at different frequencies, I understand to an extent, but I thought this was only referring to the suspension and tyres (what we call the physics of a driving sim). For me it's not easy to figure out how you can't have a camera travelling smoothly through a world which can be drawn at any FPS you choose (within reason), regardless of physics (which I now take to mean EVERYTHING within the world, including the location of the camera viewpoint). It's only the relationship between the camera and the world that gives the stuttering, correct?
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :That would cause inconsistent physics. For example physics wouldn't run the same at 10 FPS and 300 FPS.

No, it's not. In this case there will be all the same 100 Hz. Interpolation only works with the visual part. There are many physics engines that use this method (Physx, Havok, Box2d, etc).
I give an analogy:
Main artist painted two keyframes of cartoon, and asks an assistant to draw the intermediate frames.
Only the main artist is responsible for how the story goes (physics steps).
Assistant can only show what is going on between the keyframes (interpolation).
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TEST PATCH 0.6F12 (Rift DK2)
(832 posts, closed, started )