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who is the administrater of redline racing?
(23 posts, closed, started )
who is the administrater of redline racing?
who is the administrater of redline racing?
I was suddenly banned 2 weeks ago for no reasons.
since this time I've not enter this server.
so I protest the administrater.
does someone know the admin of redline racing?
tell me!
#2 - Jakg
i believe its shoe maker (you can find their profile on the forum)

but... good luck

You did stop for a blue flag didnt you?

EDIT - here is shoe makers profile
just so you know you wont get any reply from shoemaker untill september / october as she is helping a family member abroad at the moment
hello i am also admin of this server what seems to be the problem?? im sure you were banned for a reason
Banned for no reason
Banning or kicking people that unfortunatly crash is wrong...not sure how many of the Redline guys have admin rights but i can tell ya right now some of them misuse the privlage...i have been racing on and off on thier Blackwood Fox server for a few weeks now and its gettin worse in my oppinion. I've sat threw multi restarts when a Redline Racer has a bad start, restarting race over and over till he makes it threw the first corner (thats BS to do to a server full of racers) not to mention kicking and banning folks who happen to mess up and get in their way...last i checked accidents happen...gettin kicked for it is wrong...if yer such great drivers (which i happen not to be as of yet...still kinda new to racing) pilot yer car around slower/wrecked traffic...dont kick em from yer servers....the team does have a few friendly racers that i have met but for the most part seems like tooo many (inconsiderate) chiefs and not enough (decent) indians...and though it wont make a difference to RedLine or anyone else for that matter i wont be visiting them again...will be putting up our own Fox server...we'll see how it goes
#6 - dadge
on the atc server we tend to do the same, but we do have a rule. the 60% of the pack has crashed b4 the end of lap one, then an admin will restart. i have found that a few people think we ban people because we feel like it, but we have never banned anyone who didn't deserve it. bans can range from 12hours to 1 year(although very rare) depending on what the bannee has done. we also tend to offer help to the "slower" of the racers and we also accept help. we tend not to race the fox tho (XFR mostly) and the races are usually "wrecker" free. so feel free to join in the fun guys.
although dadge does most the helping. hes better at it
Was I on the server at the time? I have the admin pass there, sort of babysitting it while shoemaker is off.

Although i am certain if it was me who banned you then i had a very good reason for doing so. I never ban for accidents, because...well they are accidental! And a ban is a last resort, i prefer to use the in game penalties for pesistant wrecking.

Could you give a date and time you were banned and who was in the server?...if you can remember. Also knowing what you were doing before hand would be useful.

EDIT: The redline server also runs an autoban for certain swear words when they are directed at other people e.g. '**** off franky' would get you a 12 hour ban.
The admin dont restart just because they dont get a good start but if 5 or 6 racers crash in t1 then yes we will restart but not if 1 or 2 do. Also people get banned or kicked to try and ensure clean races for everyone else.

Getting sick of this now lol
#10 - Sage
Quote from pitstolipper :
I was suddenly banned 2 weeks ago for no reasons.

You must have been banned for some reason (I believe you were in the s2 server?). Remember, blue flags arn't there to be pretty. (I'm not saying that you didn't move for one) Pretty much, my question is, why protest? It's a simple ban, not a big deal, if you really followed the rules.

Made my statement, cooled off now .
well big dave evo is a great admin always keeps good and fair races and well i think you should just stay out the server all together ive said before dont need warnings to kick/ban if slower drivers are getting in the way and ruining races then well i expect them to be banned
Quote from Tukko :Hmmm.. it's kinda funny how there's almost every day someone complaining about such a fairly administered server..

And yet it´s still the most popular server in LFS. I dont get why.
maybe because we keep fair and good races going maybe the really good drivers know this and thats why they come
.. or maybe FOX @ Blackwood is just like oval or GTR's @ AS National.. it tempts lots of Noobs and people who are stuck with driving only one combo
Quote from Tukko tempts lots of Noobs...


I´ve heard the same thing about those damn cabbies.
I hate the 'word' noob anyway, I tend to call them Rookies because thats the standard thing to call them in motorsport.

Theres a difference however to a rookie and a persistant wrecker, I have found the redline server tolerant to rookies and welcome to offer setups and help, but they are very strict on wrecking.

I know this because i am an admin there currently, probably because i race there a lot when none of the other admins are around. Evo doesn't just kick people for being slow, its the people who crash people out when they are 5 laps down that will get kicked.

Yesterday there were some awful racers in the server, causing 60% grid pile ups in t1 in 4 races in a row, but after giving 3 of them 1 day bans all the crashing stopped, and hopefully they learn their lesson and don't fly into t1 at mach 1.
#19 - DeKo
just a thing about a Redline server, (xfg Bl GP), i dont know if your part of the wrecker barricade, allready submitted it to that, but might aswell post here just to make sure he's banned
Attached files
wrecker_2.mpr - 274 KB - 303 views
#20 - Jakg
Quote from Tukko :Hmmm.. it's kinda funny how there's almost every day someone complaining about such a fairly administered server..

because people don't read the rules or ignore their warnings and then post on the forum "for no reason" in all honesty, has a single person here been banned without a replay showing why (except this one) they were banned? nope, BUT people just read the "i wuz banned fro no reason yo" posts, and the server gets a bad name, as these kind of posts demonstrate
#21 - CSU1
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I hate the 'word' noob anyway, I tend to call them Rookies because thats the standard thing to call them in motorsport.

Theres a difference however to a rookie and a persistant wrecker, I have found the redline server tolerant to rookies and welcome to offer setups and help, but they are very strict on wrecking.

I know this because i am an admin there currently, probably because i race there a lot when none of the other admins are around. Evo doesn't just kick people for being slow, its the people who crash people out when they are 5 laps down that will get kicked.

Yesterday there were some awful racers in the server, causing 60% grid pile ups in t1 in 4 races in a row, but after giving 3 of them 1 day bans all the crashing stopped, and hopefully they learn their lesson and don't fly into t1 at mach 1.

noob-everywhere else
Firstly, this thread is very old, I was in Spain when the person that started it got banned, so I don't know what it was for, but I expect he banned him self for typing some of the swear words that the lapper is programmed to ban for. This would explain why there is no replay of it as there was probably no admins on the server at the time to save one.. Once again, yet another example of someone not reading the server rules and then posting that they did nothing wrong and got banned anyway...

The other reason I think it was an 'auto-ban' is that swearing will get you a 12 hour ban only, and as I saw pistolipper on my server again today, then I am assuming that the ban ran its course and he came back again.

Did he come here and post that the ban was lifted ? or that he swore ? Or that he still uses my servers ? NO, instead he just leaves this thread and it appears that we indiscriminately ban for fun and don't care that we do. That is not the case.

I must add however that when I was racing with him today, he pushed me on the grass as I was passing him on the straight, witnessed by the 3 cars that were behind me, I commented that driving like that was not fair or acceptable and he started arguing with me, so I did ban him, what goes around comes around it seems...

This time I do have the replay, and the driviers behind who saw everything that happened, including the conversation afterwards.

So for all of you that like to try and cause trouble and ill feeling by posting lies about my server in the forums, I say this :-

Don't break the rules for clean racing and you will never be banned from Redline Racing, if you do post lies about my server, I WILL post the replay to show you are making things up to suit your self and to try and make us look bad. Want to be proved a liar ? go right ahead !

Those of you who have not been banned, and who have not been on my server, but still think it's ok to jump on the band wagon and post more bad stuff when you don't know what your talking about, (just read this, and the other Redline threads if you want to know who Im talking about) then I politely ask you to stop trying to cause ill feeling on this forum when you have no reason to post bad stuff about my server other than the fact you are trying to cause trouble or perpetuate an unjustified slagging match, I would like to point out that the moderators (or at least ONE moderator in particular) do not like it. If you don't like my server, don't join it, but don't come on the forum and post lies about it either.

Now thats out the way...

Deko, I remember you from another thread slagging off one of my admins, you expected to be banned for your post as I recall, so I am surprised to see you still using my servers, however I have not had any complaints about your driving and so you are welcome to use the servers for clean racing, Im glad you still enjoy using our servers, thanks for the replay, I 'll get right on that.

Redline Racing do have a complaints procedure that anyone can follow if they are unhappy about crashers or the treatment they have received on any of the redline servers and I respectfully request that everyone uses the system we have in place to resolve these issues, WITHOUT the need for more bad posts on the forum.

Please send emails, and or, replays, to [email protected], where we will consider each case on it's merrits and take the appropriate action to ensure that disruptive undesirables are not permitted access to our servers, for your racing pleasure.

Redline Racing

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who is the administrater of redline racing?
(23 posts, closed, started )