Practice results:


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These practice races are held to have practice in racing conditions and so everyone learn from their mistakes. Let's learn from mistakes while making pitstop of our todays leading trio. As usually the plain text is too difficult for some,as they obviously haven't read it,so I will show graphically with short explanation:
Pit entry:

Pits have to be entered on left side of green poles layed out at turn 3 entry,while car have to stay on apron for whole turn.
In this case you can see that xyx and Benni have done it right,while we see how Jati took unfair advantage,which helped him to win this practice race. In real deal he would receive a penalty,stripping him from victory!

Pitlane is divided in 2 parts by the yellow line. Right side is the fast lane,left side is working area. Drivers have to stay on fast lane all the time,except when entering and leaving pitstall. The white line in this case just shows,where there is absolutely no need to cross yellow line. In this case Benni is cutting the line way too early,while the other 2 are already asking for penalty,as they left fast lane right after speed limit line. Believe me,you don't want to see,how wrong they were driving,when leaving pitstalls,they crossed many pitstalls,knocking down many pitstall marking poles and entered fast lane only short way before speed limit line. Bad driving,guys,shame on you!
Pit exit:

Also pit exit must be respected - [re]entering track is allowed just after passing green poles,layed out at turn 1 exit.
In picture you can see Benni doing it wrong,while Jati is already on raceline,but we already know that they pitted in same time - busted!
Some might ask - why so many rules on such things? Answer is simple: safety and fairness! Noone wants someone see suddenly braking full power right ahead when exiting turn 3,just because that someone decided to enter pits. Neither noone wants to avoid slow cars joining raceline at turn one. And also it's much better to keep it fair and predictible for everyone while in pitlane - since BF1 drinks it's tank very fast,it's a very high chance that many drivers have very similar pit strategy,keeping the driving in pitlane by rules will avoid possible misundestandings when many cars pit simultanously!
It's a long and very fast race,where every little incident can cost very much,let's keep it safe and fair by playing by same rules as everyone!


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These practice races are held to have practice in racing conditions and so everyone learn from their mistakes. Let's learn from mistakes while making pitstop of our todays leading trio. As usually the plain text is too difficult for some,as they obviously haven't read it,so I will show graphically with short explanation:
Pit entry:

Pits have to be entered on left side of green poles layed out at turn 3 entry,while car have to stay on apron for whole turn.
In this case you can see that xyx and Benni have done it right,while we see how Jati took unfair advantage,which helped him to win this practice race. In real deal he would receive a penalty,stripping him from victory!

Pitlane is divided in 2 parts by the yellow line. Right side is the fast lane,left side is working area. Drivers have to stay on fast lane all the time,except when entering and leaving pitstall. The white line in this case just shows,where there is absolutely no need to cross yellow line. In this case Benni is cutting the line way too early,while the other 2 are already asking for penalty,as they left fast lane right after speed limit line. Believe me,you don't want to see,how wrong they were driving,when leaving pitstalls,they crossed many pitstalls,knocking down many pitstall marking poles and entered fast lane only short way before speed limit line. Bad driving,guys,shame on you!
Pit exit:

Also pit exit must be respected - [re]entering track is allowed just after passing green poles,layed out at turn 1 exit.
In picture you can see Benni doing it wrong,while Jati is already on raceline,but we already know that they pitted in same time - busted!
Some might ask - why so many rules on such things? Answer is simple: safety and fairness! Noone wants someone see suddenly braking full power right ahead when exiting turn 3,just because that someone decided to enter pits. Neither noone wants to avoid slow cars joining raceline at turn one. And also it's much better to keep it fair and predictible for everyone while in pitlane - since BF1 drinks it's tank very fast,it's a very high chance that many drivers have very similar pit strategy,keeping the driving in pitlane by rules will avoid possible misundestandings when many cars pit simultanously!
It's a long and very fast race,where every little incident can cost very much,let's keep it safe and fair by playing by same rules as everyone!