Talking about crap cars and pedals, try driving a YUGO if you have a chance, you'll learn to appreciate any car you have, no matter how crappy it might be.
Let me describe you the joy of driving one. (I don't own a YUGO, a friend let me drive one.) When you press the clutch you can't shift gears, then you realise that you have to push as powerful as you can to push the clutch to the end. Then you have to find a gear, so if you want to shift at lower revs chances are that the speed will drop so much you will just shift in the gear you were in before. The throttle is spiky as f!"#. You can't press it without the car bouncing like hell. Maybe it's because it's a lot lighter than other pedals so I pressed it too hard.

And last but not least, the brake pedal. If you want to stop from 40 (kmh, not mph) to 0 in less than a kilometer, you have to push the pedal all the way to the end, which also means that you'll get quite a workout.