The online racing simulator
(1578 posts, closed, started )
I'm sorry for the late response.

Looks like mumble makes the same checks. If any other overlay application is already running (in this case LFSLazy), mumble don't use/start its own overlay.
Looks like you have to choose which one you want to use then
Still didn't have time to properly look at it, but don't think there is easy solution.

I have just submited BUILD 9.
Some of the changes:
Buddie List - Playername always shown, to show username hold CTRL+SHIFT
Added MPR Replay menu in entry screen
Smaller menu icons - to fit on XP
Holding page up/page down changes page every 100 ms

Major change is definitely new Replays menu in entry screen, which shows a bit more detailed info of your replays. You can search for replays, just like in servers menu and sort each column by clicking column name.
Attached images
I have a feature request: ability to add a team to buddy list. It is not very hard to program (yet demands some work ofcourse), but very helpful.
At the moment you can very easily add all buddies from LFSW. Go to LFSW->LFS Racers database->Your profile, select all buddies and copy, then go to LFSLazy->Other->Options->Buddies, paste list of usernames to Add new buddie/s.

I have improved Encounters list in my version now, there is now search and therefore you should easier find members of team if you search team tag. -attachment

Of course I could retrieve team members from LFSW, that doesn't sound so hard, but I am still unsure how to implement it. Infact showing team tags from LFSW would be very nice in-game as well. Probably I could add it to Encounters list and from there somehow add whole team...
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Quote from DANIEL-CRO :
Of course I could retrieve team members from LFSW, that doesn't sound so hard, but I am still unsure how to implement it. Infact showing team tags from LFSW would be very nice in-game as well. Probably I could add it to Encounters list and from there somehow add whole team...

I did it easily... Just update team(s) every time app starts (or optionally when user wants) and store it in separate list(s) in your database. That way when someone leaves or joins a team user doesn't bother maintaining the list.

There are also couple of requests...

Currently split times (which replace original ones in LFS) look kinda unreadable sometimes -- either shadow or a background button would be much appreciated (probably configurable).

Also u can add a sound notify + colored line highlight in history window when someone mentiones your nickname and game is not on the foreground.

Keep up good work and thanks for a great program
Quote from vitaly_m :
I did it easily... Just update team(s) every time app starts (or optionally when user wants) and store it in separate list(s) in your database. That way when someone leaves or joins a team user doesn't bother maintaining the list.

I store team tag in database now (in my version), but there seem to be one problem with &action=teams so it will have to wait a bit. Team data is updated once a day whether you started program several times in a day or not. Still I'm not sure how to handle cases when one user is in several teams, to show only one or?

Quote from vitaly_m :
Currently split times (which replace original ones in LFS) look kinda unreadable sometimes -- either shadow or a background button would be much appreciated (probably configurable).

I'm aware of that, but there isn't really a good way to add shadows using insim. One thought is to draw text myself just like the radar.

Quote from vitaly_m :
Also u can add a sound notify + colored line highlight in history window when someone mentiones your nickname and game is not on the foreground.

Colored line is good idea. For notification I think that should be optionable (another checkbox)
Finally tried this program ... I was too lazy to try it out . It's great and useful, keep it up!
I gave it a try , it's awesome.

As suggestion :
Add the 2 other pages or a longest menu for the ctrl+ and alt+ binds?
Thanks for kind words
Quote from theodu69 :
Add the 2 other pages or a longest menu for the ctrl+ and alt+ binds?

This was supposed to be there already, but looks like some bug/not done as intended ...
Will fix that later today
Very good tool, i love it. What about adding a display "laps left until out of fuel"? Could be next to all the fuel information on the bottom. And it maybe it should turn red when you have to pit this lap (or even make in configurable, but that depends on how much time you want to invest )
"laps left until out of fuel" - thats a very nice suggestion. To be honest I wanned to implement that long time ago, but never found fuel usage per lap for all combos in one place. You got me a bit more interested, so now I done some research and retrieved fuel usage per lap from knw files. And there is soooo much data to add to code, so basically I quickly wrote another program that made all that code ...

That data (FUEL LAPS) is shown as another gadget, so you can easily turn on/off, move, etc.

Also I have added optionable message Fuel Warning, which shows warning when you leave pits with not enough fuel to complete race

Still needs some testing, and I need to handle restrictions somehow (correction).
You can also use data from the current stint(s):

laps_left = current_fuel / (used_fuel / laps_done)

You should update it every lap, not constantly. The value will be changing every lap if you go some long stint. It can be useful in a situation when someone tries to save some fuel to skip a pit stop.

I guess you can supply 2 widgets - one based on the hardcoded data and another from the calculations.
Heya mate, I'm having a very annoying problem, not sure what that is.

When I try to minimze LFS it gets stuck and I can't do anything. I still see LFS like I would without minimizing it but with no sound. And I can't do anything. I just get stuck in there seeing the people inside the server lol

Any thoughts about this? It really annoys everything because I no longer can go back to the desktop without ctrl+al+del and sign out... meaning leaving the server for example..

Windows 8.1 64bit
Quote from vitaly_m :You can also use data from the current stint(s):
I guess you can supply 2 widgets - one based on the hardcoded data and another from the calculations.

... or like a switch to toggle between hardcoded data and calculations on current gadget. I'm little tight with button IDs, only two left to theoretical maximum.

Quote from OTone :Heya mate, I'm having a very annoying problem, not sure what that is.

We shared a bit more info over PM.
I wasn't been able to reproduce that on neither OS, but that looks similar to "frezze" bug people reported earlier. Thing is that LFS lose focus (no longer receive keyboard/mouse input) while it still renders at full screen. I did some changes and Ricardo has a copy of new version, lets see how that goes.
On some combos the data might be wrong. For example XRT@KY2.

Anyway I don't need the gadget if it counts only by hardcoded stuff... If you add more widgets, can you make us chose? Because currently I use only 9.
I have submitted new version BUILD 11.

Quote :
Encounters List - much faster operation, search by playername/username and team, new apperance
ScrollBar - HOME and END button work, new way of handling draging
Shell notification when a buddie come online - optionable
Chat History - Highlight lines containing your playername/username if LFS wasn't in foreground, optionable sound notification
Window size (and position - optinable) is now saved
Team tag is now stored in database - Shown in encounters list and LFSW->Conns->Other
Configurable color for Split Info and gadgets
Option to discard lap (Split Predictor) if touch ground, hit object, draft, ...
Warning when not using enough fuel to complete a race - on pit leave and race restart
New gadgets - Fuel Laps (hardcoded data), Estimate Laps (based on fuel usage from previous lap)
Other fixes and changes

Could you add a live-updating position list à la AONIO?
I haven't been using Aonio for a long time now, so I cannot exactly remember it ...
Anyway I've quickly did something, still have to make it moveable in edit mode and add last column which should be like time difference between cars either updated on splits or live.
It isn't a complete list, but 4 cars in front and 4 cars behind. IMO thats better than a list on whole screen height.
Perhaps I could add scrollbar, but obviously mouse drivers wont be able to use that while racing.
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Program doesn't affect other people (not using it) in any way. Everything is done localy between LFSLazy and your LFS.

Quote from THE WIZARD DK :
tires puncture in xxx laps

Good idea in theory. But in reality it's almost like impossible implement such a thing :P
Using a (local) InSim should not cause you to have lags or any other connection problems

Also, tyre life is not fixed, it depends on your driving style and how you "take care" of them during the stint, so I'm afraid that's not possible to estimate well.
Quote from Flame CZE :Also, tyre life is not fixed, it depends on your driving style and how you "take care" of them during the stint, so I'm afraid that's not possible to estimate well.

True, I remember I drove like a baboon on KY2 GT1C and killed tyres with 10laps+ before other drivers did. That's a huge diference.
Daniel, does your positions list widget shows relative on-track positions or race positions? For me it is more important to be able to know if there is lapping car behind me on track and which one exactly

Also I am kinda interested if it is possible to know current tyre wear in any way (even if you need to make stop and go for it)...
Currently it show only race positions, but I guess it shouldn't be too hard just to sort it a bit differently and show relative on-track position. That is in fact a very nice suggestion

About tyre wear, thats not something you can easily estimate (in fact there is basically no data on that).
you can get this data from lfs memory, but its is ~1700 address per tire
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :so i ask again.. did you check if it actually disturb others?

How can a LOCAL INSIM APP influence others' connection on the server??? That makes no sense at all.
This thread is closed

(1578 posts, closed, started )