On LFSworld adding new admins to leagues does not work.
Not sure if that is "on purpose" because of site changes or bug.
1) log into LFSworld
2) Go to tab " League Editors"
3) Try to add new admin to league
Administrative league editors:
[ text box ]
These LFS users can submit news for this league and they can edit league settings.
Separate usernames with ';' semicolon.
4) Add a name as described
5) Click button [Save league] - nothing happens
6) Go back, come back to league settigs: The new name was not saved
Maybe other things do not work either, but did not want to accidently create lots of test leagues or test news in case it does work
On LFSworld adding new admins to leagues does not work.
Not sure if that is "on purpose" because of site changes or bug.
1) log into LFSworld
2) Go to tab " League Editors"
3) Try to add new admin to league
Administrative league editors:
[ text box ]
These LFS users can submit news for this league and they can edit league settings.
Separate usernames with ';' semicolon.
4) Add a name as described
5) Click button [Save league] - nothing happens
6) Go back, come back to league settigs: The new name was not saved
Maybe other things do not work either, but did not want to accidently create lots of test leagues or test news in case it does work