Matrixi, That's pretty much what I use my watch for, and this has a bit better battery aswell, lasts for like 3 days on a charge.
It's quite comfortable to flick your wrist to read a notification/sms instead of taking your phone out of your pocket, especially if your hands are full.
The Gear 2 Neo was my choice because there wasn't much smartwatches available then, it was Samsung, Pebble or Sony, I personally can't stand the display of Pebble, and Sony smartwatch seemed a bit primitive, so I got the Gear 2 Neo(and Neo because I didn't think that camera was worth the extra money).
Plus the Gear 2 has 4GB built-in storage for music and stuff, so you can put music on it, play through bluetooth headphones and go for a jog or something like that, without needing your phone.
Ontop of all functionality, it's cool to talk to your watch(not in public), it's like childhood dream come true, watch knight rider and all that stuff.
Boris Lozac, don't really know how to respond to you, you were the guy who owned HTC Wildfire(aka one of the, if not the worst android phones on market, crappy specs + heavy UI), and acted like it was the best thing since sliced bread, then switched to windows phone and then claimed that windows phone is actually the best thing since sliced bread, and how crappy android is.