The online racing simulator
I have no time today to test it myself but hopefully Airio crashes with this unknown packet.

Because all custom car class timings are otherwise rendered useless if somebody can change handicaps during a hotlap.
Quote from :I have no time today to test it myself but hopefully Airio crashes with this unknown packet.

Because all custom car class timings are otherwise rendered useless if somebody can change handicaps during a hotlap.

THAT SUCKS! I've the packet to PRISM, so hopefully that will help you somewhat.
Quote from :
It's all nice that it's easy to implement but if it's also a good idea nobody knows. I don't understand why this needs to be crammed in on (supposedly) release day.

I personally don't see any benefit to change added masses or alter air restriction during a race. Racers build their setup based on handicap values when those numbers all of a sudden change basically the whole setup is worthless.

And is it realistic? All of a sudden a bunch of cars have 50 kg extra during a race. Out of nowhere.. Very weird..

You can (should) send HCP packet pre-race (looby screen, everyone spectated). Then every restriction seem to be detected by other insims (in NPL packet)(Airio, etc).
Also in pits it says which restrictions are set by server for selected car...
Quote from :
Quote from Scawen :This is just a packet that was easy to implement because it uses an old system,

It's all nice that it's easy to implement but if it's also a good idea nobody knows. I don't understand why this needs to be crammed in on (supposedly) release day.

I personally don't see any benefit to change added masses or alter air restriction during a race. Racers build their setup based on handicap values when those numbers all of a sudden change basically the whole setup is worthless.

And is it realistic? All of a sudden a bunch of cars have 50 kg extra during a race. Out of nowhere.. Very weird..

It is you who is weird! Not this packet!

Basically this is what your server needs.

At the moment, players join your host, select their car and get spectated dozens of times because there is no way of knowing what restrictions to set and they need to ask someone else.

Now, at last, you have the function you have been waiting for - you can set the restriction, through InSim, and the users don't have to mess around in their setups.

Unbelievable that you are complaining about the the packet that solves the main problem of your host.

No-one can change anything in the middle of the race, I don't know what you are talking about. Only the host can change these global restrictions, at any time.

EDIT : Instead of simply asking how it works (because you have absolutely no idea) you just invent some crazy, lunatic version of it and assume that must be what I have done. Try to control yourself and realise that I wouldn't make such obvious, stupid and utterly ridiculous blunders.
Quote from Eclipsed :It can,but it's too close for a decent FOV and it has fixed axis (the view is static to car).
Comparision with real life is not very good,as in sim you don't get any g-forces on body to feel how car moves,so I need to see it. I'm not that high skilled racer as you are,so I need some help,sue me! :P

You can use radar from LFSLazy
Quote from Scawen :
It is you who is weird!

Never met somebody in my life who disagreed with that but,

Quote from Scawen :
Basically this is what your server needs.

At the moment, players join your host, select their car and get spectated dozens of times because there is no way of knowing what restrictions to set and they need to ask someone else.

I don't think this packet is useful for my server setup. The problem is UFR/UFB, they can both be on the track on the same time.

People who get spectated dozens of times don't read or don't understand English or have no clue how to set restrictions to begin with. It's mainly a problem with newcomers who see 3 cars available in garage; XFG/XRG and UFR ... They think "hmm fast car, lets choose that one!" but what they don't know is that they can only join with 45% restriction until they can prove that they can actually handle a car and/or capable of more advanced racing with high speed cars.

I can't send this HCP packet after somebody joins the track in such a situation because it affects everyone who is currently racing.. Also racers which are allowed to race with an unrestricted UFR.

It would be different if it was targeted at a specific Player ID... But still...

a) I don't find it realistic to send it to somebody during a race, I cannot think of a real racing scene where it's possible to send 50 kilo's out of the sky during a race.
b) somebody who joins with what he thinks is an UFR all of a sudden gets a slow car which leads to the same "why, what?" "I don't understand" , "rubbish server! => Disconnect"

About hosting,

I was talking about someone who deliberately wants to set a world record (AIRW record) with his or hers own host. If it's possible to change handicaps during a race without Airio crashing or knowing that this happens then basically that whole system becomes useless.

I think it in the end it will anyway because it's not maintained anymore but if this is the right moment for that, I'm not sure.
Calm down Scawen

Don't worry, I think that he'll use it when the 0.6G will came out, and any other Airio server proprietary. :thumbup:

The 0.6G is still planned for this evenning ?

EDIT : cargame, you can add a message to the player "45% air restriction have been added to your car because you don't own the UFR", and the problem is solved

About Airio, test before you can tells if it crashs
Quote from :...

... but for example on GT2 day I find that packet usefull.

Maybe this packet should be accepted only while there is no cars in race / lobby. ?
Otherwise as there is no way to detect correct restrictions, AIRW records could become messedup, also my program LFSLazy save PBs separately for each restriction combination.
Quote from Dygear :

THAT SUCKS! I've the packet to PRISM, so hopefully that will help you somewhat.

I supposed to be helping somebody moving house today.. But it seems that it's progressing fine without me.. So, maybe I can fiddle around with it..

But like I said in my previous post, I think it's not the correct approach to a problem. It's very unrealistic and it isn't a 100% cure. Would be better if I removed the UFB capability (which was planned anyway if LFS popularity picked up) and/or I am able with an InSim to read the LFS language setting. The problem here is communication, there is a message about restrictions, how to set them blabla. But not everyone understands English (actually a lot do not) and I am willing to get some InSim messages translated but there is no clue now what language to select other then try to guess it from IP address location.

Quote from DANIEL-CRO :
Quote from :...

... but for example on GT2 day I find that packet usefull.

Can be.. But there is a message on the screen when you join with incorrect settings and there is also a targeted chat message to this person. But, in English.
You are right it can't help if you have UFR and UFB on the track at the same time.

It can only increase restrictions (i.e. make cars slower) not reduce them, so I don't see any real problem with airio hotlaps.

This was something I could do quickly and compatibly for multiclass servers, e.g. if UFB is allowed on the host but not UFR then it's great. But this is a compatible patch, not some big deal. I just added this one packet that allows hosters access to existing functionality. It's really not something to complain about.
Quote from Scawen :
It can only increase restrictions (i.e. make cars slower) not reduce them, so I don't see any real problem with airio hotlaps.

ummm, I can reduce them ... (for cars that already have restrictions applied)
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Quote from vitaly_m :You can use radar from LFSLazy

For g-forces?

But if you mean for better vision around me,I use the radar from Aonio. :P
Was it mentioned already? I know it's not the best time to report bugs, but anyway, it's weird. Look at MAX [kursk]'s name. For some reason it's behind the fence/trees.
Attached images
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :
Quote from Scawen :
It can only increase restrictions (i.e. make cars slower) not reduce them, so I don't see any real problem with airio hotlaps.

ummm, I can reduce them ... (for cars that already have restrictions applied)

What I am trying to say it, global handicaps are only *worse* than the ones in your setup.

int req_mass = setup->H_Mass;
int req_tres = setup->H_TRes;

HCap *hcap = MPSys::HCaps + car_index;

if (hcap->Mass > req_mass) req_mass = hcap->Mass;
if (hcap->TRes > req_tres) req_tres = hcap->TRes;
Quote :InSim :

New packet IS_HCP to add extra mass or intake restrictions
to particular cars (affects all drivers using those cars)

And it?
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Maybe this packet should be accepted only while there is no cars in race / lobby. ?
Otherwise as there is no way to detect correct restrictions, AIRW records could become messedup, also my program LFSLazy save PBs separately for each restriction combination.

This will be a problem indeed. Since it's not possible to detect the change of restriction / added mass after someone joins the track, you can easily cheat and have your restriction removed -> do an AIRW world record right away.
Could we get an InSim Language Packet, or make it a part of the IS_NCN packet, like Use Sp3 for a Lang define. How many languages does LFS support, can it express that information in a byte (0 - 255)? This above all else would be a massive help to InSim applications.
Quote from Flame CZE :This will be a problem indeed. Since it's not possible to detect the change of restriction / added mass after someone joins the track, you can easily cheat and have your restriction removed -> do an AIRW world record right away.

Is it even possible to change restrictions while being on track?
I just checked and as far as I can see (unless something has changed in the testpatches, which I haven't tried), it isn't possible.
The handicap system I made within LFS Lapper, does a check on restrictions every time someone enters the track, which should be sufficient.
I don't really understand how you can cheat by adding mass or restricting the air intake.

Am I really missing something?

Guys, this is pretty simple. It's just a packet that allows a host to impose a minimum intake restriction or weight penalty for each car type. It cannot give you more power or less mass than you have in your setup. OK?
From what I've tested with daniel-cro, it seems to have been working like I described.

- Host sets a minimum restriction of 20%
- You take a default set (can be with 0% restriction)
- Join the track, you are given a 20% restriction
- Host removes the minimum restriction
- Your car now has 0% in the F11 menu, and it's not detected by other InSim apps
OK, that seems right, but that shouldn't affect any record keeping, because the record keeping would never have known about the original 20% restriction.

It would think the racer had joined with 0% restriction, or whatever the setup says. That is what InSim would state.
IS_NPL seems to be reporting whatever the server handicaps are set to.
I agree, sorry about that.

It's too late to change now. I think it's a pretty obscure thing to happen though, a corrupt server owner changing restrictions mid-race to create false Airio lap records.

I guess there are easier ways than that for cheaters to gain records.
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TEST PATCH 0.6F12 (Rift DK2)
(832 posts, closed, started )