Quote from adnaneren1977 :http://i.hizliresim.com/VyV17V.jpg Your skin is missing the sunstrip, also we don't know the name of your skin. The quality of the skin is also too low, the logos on the numberboards are barely recognisable
Quote from F1 mainiac :WCL Skins #44 #99 Edit log: Added #104 #111 #201 #211 Changed #41 #30 #toomanyupdatesnow
Quote from adnaneren1977 :http://i.hizliresim.com/VyLYEy.jpg SKİN NAME:FXR_AE Your skin is still missing the sunstrip.
Quote from F1 mainiac :WCL Skins #44 #99 Edit log: Added #104 #111 #201 #211 Changed #41 #30 Slight edit to #41..