The online racing simulator
Cars in DXF
(11 posts, started )
Cars in DXF
would anybody be so kind and send me the car models in dxf format? I don't have 3ds max, so the im- and export via plugin doesn't work, and Blender is not capable of importing *.max (3dsmax 6 and up?) scenes.
Regards, Tys
Can it import .3DS files? I think you'll lose a lot of the mapping using dxf's, which would mean a lot of work for you remapping all the cars.
This applies to everyone who needs the cmx models in formats other than .3ds

I used to have a program called Deep Exploration

It can convert most 3d formats and works very well. Its not cheap though, and so pointless for the home user. There is a fully functional 30 day demo though
Quote from tristancliffe :Can it import .3DS files? I think you'll lose a lot of the mapping using dxf's, which would mean a lot of work for you remapping all the cars.

Actually, I want the extra work. This is just for learning to know Blender, more than setting a car on a plane and render it. I come from Maxons Cinema4d and try to adapt to Blender, so I need the practice. (and an extra brain on a trailer to memorize all the keybindings)
I can try to export one as a trial for you, its NOT pretty, but its an XFR in DXF format, and is going to require ALOT of work.

Attached files - 338 KB - 204 views
Quote from danowat :I can try to export one as a trial for you, its NOT pretty, but its an XFR in DXF format, and is going to require ALOT of work.


Sweet, thank you very much.
You sure that you do not want to discuss if this is the right format for me? (SCNR)
Quote from TysCaargh :
You sure that you do not want to discuss if this is the right format for me? (SCNR)

Ya got a what now?

Using Dan's DXF
How desperate does this look using AutoCAD.

Please note this render could seriously damage your health if you use 3d MAX.

I've spent ages seperating all the different parts of the car to their own layers, still lots do do eg lights, bumpers etc, and this is the first VERY primative render of mine.
Pretty desperate, infact, you've got to be VERY desperate to be using AutoCAD for anything other than 2D drafting .

Doesnt look toooooo bad, but you arent going to get any smoothing in acad.

This is as close as 3ds MAX i'm going to get to tho!!!!!!!!!
Actually, you should be able to turn on basic smoothing (I forget the exact term). Combine that with clever use of face colours and you'll be even better.

But not much. At least it's different, and maybe you could have models made from the CAD drawings.

Cars in DXF
(11 posts, started )