all the additional cars and real road racers are great- we can have alist longer tha GT4but expanding the racing experience would be the Charm here (maybe this is why LFS has generic cars, each is for a specific type/class/style of racing) Which is why a DBR9 a F430, Murcielago, gallardo, CLK-GTR, EVo, Evo, WRXSti, Spyker, Vertigo, wtc. are great but these fit and expand an existing car classes (even if lap times are equivalant- driving style and lines surely are not) would make for new views on racing...I just rediscovered the LX4- lurid slides, easy control...The LX6 should simply be put on slicks, and Bin the road version. Great fun, formula fords? 1967 GP style cars, Can-am types, LMP styles, Supertrucks, Trans-am style cars... this is how I see LFS expanding and i can see it doing so very well. but first up SUPERTRUCKS