Dear LFS Community:
With great regret, we inform you that following the conclusion of the 2014 LFSCART Season, New Dimension Racing will cease all league-related activity in Live for Speed until such time that the LFS community seems ready to support leagues again. With the sharp cliff in LFSCART entries in the last two seasons, the same in the 2014 GTWS campaign, it is obvious to us that the community is not fruitful enough to support league seasons. We also do concede that actions from our end have aided in the decline in recent months.
We will still organize one-off events at our discretion, and will announce such here, on our Facebook page and Twitter page.
NDR will continue to work behind-the-scenes during this cessation of league operations. Main goals include aggregation of all NDR past events to complete the NDR History as much as possible; develop the website more to handle most of the bureaucratic parts of NDR; and prepare to relaunch NDR in any sims we elect to once we are ready to relaunch. We will consider the merits of each sim when we are planning leagues in the future.
Part of the relaunch will involve a complete reset of the penalty system. We will internally compile past decisions and set a new standards and practices policy that we will follow, and will also codify most penalties so that drivers can know what offences merit what penalties. Penalty consistency has been a problem for the entirety of NDR history, and this will be aimed to sort this issue.
We thank each and every one of you from the bottom of our hearts for helping make NDR what it is. We know how vital we have been to the LFS community, but we have decided it is time for stress-free introspective time.
With great regret, we inform you that following the conclusion of the 2014 LFSCART Season, New Dimension Racing will cease all league-related activity in Live for Speed until such time that the LFS community seems ready to support leagues again. With the sharp cliff in LFSCART entries in the last two seasons, the same in the 2014 GTWS campaign, it is obvious to us that the community is not fruitful enough to support league seasons. We also do concede that actions from our end have aided in the decline in recent months.
We will still organize one-off events at our discretion, and will announce such here, on our Facebook page and Twitter page.
NDR will continue to work behind-the-scenes during this cessation of league operations. Main goals include aggregation of all NDR past events to complete the NDR History as much as possible; develop the website more to handle most of the bureaucratic parts of NDR; and prepare to relaunch NDR in any sims we elect to once we are ready to relaunch. We will consider the merits of each sim when we are planning leagues in the future.
Part of the relaunch will involve a complete reset of the penalty system. We will internally compile past decisions and set a new standards and practices policy that we will follow, and will also codify most penalties so that drivers can know what offences merit what penalties. Penalty consistency has been a problem for the entirety of NDR history, and this will be aimed to sort this issue.
We thank each and every one of you from the bottom of our hearts for helping make NDR what it is. We know how vital we have been to the LFS community, but we have decided it is time for stress-free introspective time.