The online racing simulator
Delta wing?
(6 posts, started )
Delta wing?
A few weeks ago I saw a car race. It was a GT series in Atlanta. The prototype class had this car in it that looked like something darth vader drove.
I don't know why I bothered with the link. Most a you probably know what this car looks like already.
Well my question concerning this car and LFS is how would, if such a car was to be modeled in LFS, how would the front wheels work?
I remember years ago Scawen stating that the MRTs, the LX's and the other open wheelers wasn't truly open wheeled. THat you couldn't lock up wheels with other cars in races. Which made me think of the cars as being basically rectangular. If this car or something like it was modeled would the car still be a basic rectangle? And if so, would the front wheels on the car be where they were being represented? Man, I hope that made sense...
I don't really care for this particular car one way or the other. I'm just wondering how a vehicle with this type of geometry would work out in LFS

Pretty much like that, followed by this......

Quote from Racer X NZ :

Pretty much like that, followed by this......

Hey thanks! That really cleared up a lot of questions.
Quote from Racer Y :
Hey thanks! That really cleared up a lot of questions.

Your welcome, I thought the Top Gear Delta wing conversion of the Reliant was pretty awesome, if short lived, completely unsuccessful, BUT, it did explode well. Usually they just fall over.
TG (well, TG online) actually did make their own deltawing out of a caterham.

In reference to the OP, it'd work fine. There are certain tweaks out there which allow you to change the wheel track and it's certainly possible to make a reliant-type car which handles like one.

With reference to the open wheel cars in LFS, what that statement meant is that to other vehicles the wheels are just solid non moving rectangles, as opposed to rotating tyres, so you don't get the interaction if two cars tyres were to touch (IRL it generally means one car gets picked up). The collision meshes in LFS are definitely not simple rectangles either - more like a low poly mesh in much the same shape as the visible body mesh, I'd say.
Quote from Racer X NZ :

Pretty much like that, followed by this......

it will very close to the real DW if make a RR layout swap

Delta wing?
(6 posts, started )