The online racing simulator
Open LFS Motorkhana
Hier gibts den Text auf deutsch:

Not sure if something similiar was ever done, so let's see how it goes. Tilt

Motorkhanas are motor sport events designed to test the acceleration, braking and handling of cars and the
skill and judgment of drivers. It is similiar to "Autotesting" or "Autocross" (or maybe those Ken Block videos)
It involves manoeuvring a car through tight courses (called "tests") as quickly as possible - one car at a time.
This usually requires sliding and spinning the car accurately while maintaining speed through the test course.
Sometimes reversing is needed: when a "gate" should be crossed backwards, or to drive in and out of a "garage."

Here are some videos to give an idea:
Spoiler - click to reveal

For this series all tests will be taken from this Motorkhana Tests Booklet and recreated as accurate as possible in LFS.

Before I read all the full rules, is there a short version?!
Follow the path. Do not hit the pylons. Upload the replay.
Each wednesday night a layout is posted and you have until next wednesday 23:59 CET to upload a replay with your time. (=one week)
The times are tracked in a table and summed up, to calculate the standings.
To sign-up: read rules and upload replay of driving the layout from second post.

Spoiler - click to reveal
Course of events
1) There will be 5 tests. One new test per week. New test on wednesday evening/night.
2) Once the test has been published, competitors have one week to set a time.
3) After the next test has been published, it is no longer possible to submit times for the previous test.
4) At the end the times of all times are added up to crown an overall winner.

Timing rules / Penalities
1) Hitting an object results in time penality of +2 seconds (as LFS automatically shows)
2) Driving a wrong path means an invalid run.
3) If an object has been pushed/thrown away but the car must navigate around this object later on,
the the car must still go around the original object position.
4) If multiplayer: Any interaction with other cars results in invalid run.
5) The lap ends by stopping in the red box in a forward direction. No pylons must be hit even after the finishline has been crossed.

LX4 and UF1000 with seperate standings.
This means you can (should Wink ) submit two times per test, to take part in both classes.

To sign up and get your name added on the timetable, you have to submit one valid run of the "Warm Up" test. (LX4 or UF1)
The time of this run does not matter: it is just to make sure there are no misunderstandings before real event starts.

Submitting a time
1) A time is submitted by uploading a replay.
2) The replay can be either singleplayer or multiplayer.
3) The replay must be attached to forum post.
4) If it is a multiplayer replay then a timestamp must be given.
5) It is allowed to submit a better time during the week. Please make a new post for that, do not edit the old post.

See this post as an example:

Late joining / No time submitted
Not submitting a time will result in a default of the slowest valid time plus 5 seconds for this test.
Same for competitors who join "mid-saison."

Spoiler - click to reveal
Note on the layouts
-Some layouts require driving that can not be controlled with LFS checkpoint system. (reversing, driving same path twice)
Instead all runs will be manually checked: that is why there are no "route checkers"
-There is one split-time checkpoint because LFS requires to do so.
-The tests do not have "pointer cones" because sometimes pylons must be passed on both sides.
Any additional pointed cones or signs would thus get in the way, not feasible.

Note on selections of tests
Some tests from the booklet are really difficult.
Especially the ones with lots of reversing can be tricky, maybe they are easier with an Oculus Rift?!
Since this is the first competition of this kind, it begins with easier tests and then gets harder; but without any of the "totally crazy ones."

Hints, Tips
-It is REALLY recommended to keep a map of the test layout. (Print it, make a quick sketch or keep it open on phone)
-Some tests look very complicated at first but usually they follow some logic or system.
-Go slow: On normal race track if you overshoot a turn by 2 meters it just costs a bit time.
On a tight slalom 2 meters might mean you can not get past the next pylon at all.
-Use handbrake for tight turns.

How to use layouts?
Download the posted .lyt file via Rightlick and "Save as".
Doubleclick on file and it should be installed in LFS.
If that does not work then copy the file to this folder: LFS\data\layout
Start LFS, go to track "Blackwood", configuration "Carpark" and select the layout.

How to save replays?
Replays can be saved by pressing "2" on the keyboard.
The files are saved to: LFS\data\spr or LFS\data\mpr
In LFS you can only save replays once per session. You must restart the race (or rejoin the server) before you can save again.
Remember your best time, so that you only need to save replays when you have improved.
To upload a replay use the attachment function of the "Full Editor" when posting.

Name: Das automobile Testgebiet
currently none. If there is problems with random joiners then I will set one.
( Thanks to Burnoutcrew for hosting! )

For help I attached setups I use. But feel free to use whatever you want.

Timekeeping table:


Warm Up / Sign Up
Competetion begins with first real timed test on: 10th December 2014
First week's test layout here:
Second week's test layout here:
Third week's test layout here:
Fourth week's test layout here:
Fifth week's test layout here:
Attached images
Attached files
deutsch.txt - 4.2 KB - 522 views
LX4_autotest.set - 132 B - 1344 views
UF1_autotestShorter.set - 132 B - 1296 views
**hidden because now outdated**
**versteckt weil nicht mehr aktuell**
Spoiler - click to reveal

Warm Up Round / Sign Up
Does not count towards competetion times.
Post a time on this layout to get signed up.
(Or if you are familiar enough with LFS then just sign up by saying something)

Layout currently on server: "Bandit" (page 84 in pdf)

a video:

previous layout:
Spoiler - click to reveal

a video:

Attached images
Attached files
BL3_MTB^cStraightSlalom.lyt - 380 B - 601 views
BL3_MTB^cBandit.lyt - 356 B - 566 views
**hidden because now outdated**
Spoiler - click to reveal
Week 1
First timed test.
Deadline: 17 Dec
Remember you can set times for UF1 AND for LX4.
Watch out to make the 180° turns around the correct (=orange) pylons and stop in red garage without hitting anything.

Spoiler - click to revealDer erste gezeitete Test.
Einsendeschluss ist der 17. Dezember.
Daran denken, Zeiten für den UF1 UND den LX4 zu fahren.
Aufpassen die 180° Kehren um die richtigen (=orangenen) Pylonen zu machen und in der roten Garage zu stoppen ohne etwas umzufahren.

a video:

Attached images
Attached files
BL3_MTB^cSpiro Slalom.lyt - 380 B - 636 views
**hidden because outdated**
Spoiler - click to reveal

Week 2
Second timed test.
Deadline: 24 Dec
Remember you can set times for UF1 AND for LX4.
Note to stop in the red box without hitting anything.


different video:

Note that it is free to chose how to do the reverse:
In LFS the line ST is red chalk. The line YZ is yellow chalk.
Red must be crossed forward, yellow must be crossed in reverse.
Driver can chose how to do this. For example this alternate route is OK too:

Server and all other info in first post.

Attached images
Attached files
BL3_MTB^cDollar.lyt - 604 B - 567 views
2-Dollar - slow demo lap.spr - 32.3 KB - 555 views
--hidden because out of date--
Week 3
Spoiler - click to revealThird timed test.
Deadline: 7 Jan
Remember you can set times for UF1 AND for LX4.
Note to stop in the red box without hitting anything, and in forward direction.

Drive through each gate once:
Gates A (red arrows) = from the inside to the outside.
Gates B (yellow arrows) = from the outside to the inside.
Gates C (no arrows) = either direction, but must be going in reverse.
Finish in red box and forward!
You must choose your own route.

Notes on Gates C:
Attached images
Attached files
BL3_MTB^cHalf Dozen Gates.lyt - 828 B - 611 views
Week 4
**hidden because outdated**
Spoiler - click to reveal
Fourth timed test.
Deadline: 14 Jan
Remember you can set times for UF1 AND for LX4.
Watch out not to get dizzy and to stop in red garage without hitting anything.

a video:

Attached images
Attached files
BL3_MTB^cBig Eyes.lyt - 372 B - 539 views
Fifth timed test (final)
Deadline: 21 Jan
Remember you can set times for UF1 AND for LX4.
Finish forward in red box.

You can choose your route.
Drive through two 'corridors' forward, one in reverse.
(which one is reverse does not matter)
The two pylons at side must be circled.
(direction and order does not matter)

Note on circling the pylons: Vehicle must cross its own path.
(Imagine the car wraps a rope around the pylon and must "trap the pylon with the rope."
The pylon must stay inside the loop even if you pull on the fictional rope.)
Attached images
5-ThreeLanes details.png
Attached files
BL3_MTB^cThree Lanes.lyt - 500 B - 567 views
Ok looks good (y)
U dont have a server? I think it will be better do in a server
Quote from cuprum :U dont have a server? I think it will be better do in a server

He does.
Quote from Gutholz :Server:
Name: Das automobile Testgebiet
currently none. If there is problems with random joiners then I will set one.
( Thanks to Burnoutcrew for hosting! )

Quote from Gutholz :I take that as sign-up then?
Think you both are familiar enough with LFS to know how to use replays/layouts, so added.

Yes, I'm in. I can manage replays and layouts.
Do you need more data about me?
I need your bank acc an pw pls

Me try this in black friday (y)
I need your boots, your clothes and your motorcycle.

Server is correctly set to UF1 and LX4 now.
Signed up through pm: Mondbrot, LRK-racer

below I make example-post how to post time ---v
example post to submit times / Beispielpost zum Bestzeit posten
car: UF1
track: Warm Up Slalom
time: 19.06
start in replay: 7min30sec

(the excact formatting does not matter but all the info must be present, especially when in replay the fastest run starts)
(die genaue Formatierung ist nicht wichtig aber die Infos müssen drinstehen, besonders wann im Replay die schnelle Runde losgeht)
Attached files
test-0 UF1 19.06.mpr - 196.9 KB - 567 views
Looks fun, I try to do a bit of it tomorrow.
Looks fun and I'll be taking part.

The cheater in me decided to test the route and got a sweet time of 13s... by going in a straight line...

I've modified the layout with some routing entries. Might be worth having?
Attached files
BL3_NOS^cStraightSlalomRouted.lyt - 492 B - 562 views
Added you to table.
problem is one could in theory finish with valid path but miss all (or some) checkpoints. (like this )
The system works in way that one has to cross checkpoints in the excact numbered order, meaning paths that must be driven multiple times/cross over can not be checked or one would always get a penality.
Replays are only way that is really reliable and does not give wrong penalties accidently.

On server is another layout now to practice a bit. (again simple one, see second post)
Of course these layouts will later not be used.
car: UF1
track: Bandit
time: 22.21

My best time was 21.92 but hit the last cones
Attached files
tEST.mpr - 14.5 KB - 498 views
I found it interesting and fun, I also will participate!
one doubts after posting a replay will be able to send another improving the time?
Quote from Gutholz :With UF1 I did 22.5x or so.
I made a splitscreen video of your UF1 lap and my fastest LX4 lap (21.99)
(start is maybe not 100% synced up)

Thanks for the video, great job!