The online racing simulator
Hey all...

I just joined after a few laps of the demo in my DK2. Excellent sim you have going here. I'm already addicted. Looking forward to learning the in's and out's of racing here.

See you on the track! (I'll be the guy you're lapping.)
I am still a dk1 one user. But i can drive with it. Is there a server for rifters here?

I would like to apologize for my attitude on the now patch thread.I was not well. I was out of line because i did not understand the LFS community and what LFS is.
There is a server named "Get your Rift on" (or similiar spelling)
But I think I saw some OR users on various servers already. At least there was some cars with Oculus logos or related text on license plates etc. Unless someone mentions it in chat one can not really tell what hardware they are using..I think there is not so much difference between "new rift users" and normal "new users." So just use whatever server you like
im Michael from Poland. i just activate my S1 waiting for next week to upgrade to S2
im new player hope for a better fun then ETS 2 mulitplayer.

Quote from HUSKY.PL :HELLO
im new player hope for a better fun then ETS 2 mulitplayer

This post got me thinking, how awesome it would be to have some of those racing trucks in LFS.
Yeah, imagine it on a multi-class server
hello people... new player here.
Hello people of LFS!
My name is Mcc457, I have been playing LFS for a few months in my other computer and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Racing simulator games are my favourite type of games, others I play are NASCAR Racing 2003 Season, NASCAR Heat, and Forza Motorsport 4 (I am capable of painting my own cars) . I recently came to give online play a try, and it's rather good, especially in the demo! I hope to get into this sim painting cars, and making videos, and it's nice to be here!
Hello all I'm ash, I'm new to lfs (played years ago with a keyboard) but that sucked so I've had a t500 for my birthday (13th December) so soon enough I'll be practising and joining you guys
HI. I'm brand new today.

Dunno if this is the place to ask. How do I see my stats? Hotlaps, bet track etc? Can't seem to find it in game
Quote from GeordiePigeonOwner :HI. I'm brand new today.

Dunno if this is the place to ask. How do I see my stats? Hotlaps, bet track etc? Can't seem to find it in game

Hello and welcome to LFS!

Go to and log in with your username and web password, and you should be able to find all you need.
yeah I went on there. It says I have no uploaded hot laps? How do I do that?

thx for getting back to me so fast by the way
Hello there racers!!
I have done some laps in LFS before, a long time ago. And thought it was pretty good. Went and drove a lot of other sims. Spent a lot of time playing GT series on PS3. But now I have come back to PC sim racing. For some more serious online racing. And I found that altough there are a lot of games out there. Not many managed to capture my attention as much as I ( or the developers themselves) would like.

Assetto Corsa is pretty good. But like most games i found it is mostly spectacular graphics and sounds. But the cars themselves don't feel as "alive". I don't feel connected. best feeling i used to have were with GPL, GTL and LFS. So I decided to give LFS another go. Forked out the 24 pounds for the S2 licence. But find I am curently stil mostly online with the free content. More players, and my rating is nog yet high enough to enter most S2 content.

I am having some difficulties. Keep getting spectated in the first corner for lag spikes/issues which i don't quite get. The game runs smooth, but I do see some stutters when cars start bouncing around in the first corner. (perhaps i should trim my detail down ) have the framerate pegged at 60fps. Should be fine. it runs great offline with 20 cars on track @ 1920x1080.
and it is hard to find a room with people actually racing seriously. But hey i'm new. i'll tweak the system and find the racerooms eventually.

the cars feel fantastic!!!! Finally a sim that onderstands and manages to convey the feeling of a sliding car to the simmer. At last a car that starts moving about when braking hard. Instead of this magic grip boundery that get's exceded with snap under/oversteer as a consequence. This sim manages to make me feel the little nuances, bumbs and difference in traction in a captivating maner. I can "feel" the tires in this. great stuff.

I am enjoying my time on track. But now if I could only enjoy racing in the pack for more then just the run down to the first corner. ( were I get bumped to spectator mode for lag, making me race the rest of the race with half a lap down restarting from the pits )
And I definatly need to find another 3 seconds in my laptimes around BW GP. 1:37 is not going to cut it in the XR GT. that needs to be 1:34 or better.
"leaves forum and starts tinkering with diff and suspension settings some more"

Good fun! Happy racing! And see you all on the track!! hopefully most of you in close proximity trading paint racing door to door, tiresmoke and laptimes!

Greetings from a Dutch simracer,
You can press "n" to show a list of playernames, it also shows ping times. (how fast your internet connection is to server)
There are also those "dancing" connection-bars in bottom left corner, most left one is your own connection. If it stops dancing and becomes red then you are lagging. Not sure what is your problem, I guess you already know downloading/streaming video during race can lead to lag and wlan is sometimes troublesome.
For more "serious racing" maybe this is of interesst.
Thnx Gutholz for the reply. I have found the AMG servers full of good and clean racing. Turning down my graphics ( even though it seems to run fine ) does help a bit with the kicks. But i still do get the occasional kick.
My connection is topnotch. Showing pings as low as 20. So that's all good.
Glassfibre 300mbs up and down. And in house a gigabit netwerk. So no problems there. I might find some optimisation in the router/switch settings. Off course I shut alsmost everything else down when racing. Maybe I should shutdown my firewall off aswel. But I am quite reluctant to let down my security. rather have it all buttoned up. For as far as that helps me.
So off to finding better setups. And tweaking the system.
Cu out there!

Kind regards,
Love the Joshua Sauer pic in your avatar btw.. Night Lustig.
Yeah, I'm Dutch. But I have a couple of his books from the night lustig series. Brilliant stuff.
Hello Chaps. Nooob here. 134 pages of noobs it seems.Don't know what im doing yet. Trying to figure things out. Im eager to get into some racing pronto! Last night i was online hooning around and was shocked in the first room i was in. Cars were darting past me at light speed. was not a happy camper till i realized i was in a "tweakers" room. A pointless exercise if you ask me. This is after all a racing simulator. Bought myself a G27 wheel and the lot. So i'll be checking out the various tutorials and hope to get some proper racing done ASAP. Nice to meet you all.
Hey, I'm a noob here. Not S2 licensed but I will soon. Just got my G27 in today but cant open it until christmas. I'm pretty good with drifting with my mouse tho LOL whassuppppp feel free to add me.
Hi. Just posting here to inform some of "bright" people that some people play for fun(mess around) so account info stats are nothing to laugh at.
Don't use green letters, use ctrl button and see lots of colors!

And do a lot of training by singleplayer!(don't forget this rule)
Hello, i am the new for now, haha. I'm spanish and my english is a little poor. I hope enjoy a lot with all of you.
I played the demo back when It was relesased at a mates, and only now buying a Licensce. So hello from England! I am impressed by the mods, very much.
(Fasthunt517) DELETED by Flame CZE : off-topic
Hello drifters/racers out there,I'm Xenotic! Some LFS videos inspired me to join this community :P
Wow this post is old. But hey I got the game not too long ago, maybe about a week ago. I didn't do the demo, I just jumped right in on the S2 license. Uhm, I mainly have just drifted with my G27. It was the main reason I got the game. However, after reading a writeup on the wiki about tuning basics, I had a bunch of fun and I would like to further better myself in racing. Plus the AI pisses me off so much, so I practice alone.
Hey Everyone, just got hold of my License, will be playing hopefully before the weekend, waiting on some PC components for the gaming PC I am building and from there let the driving begin!

Hope to hold some races with you all!

New players say hi here
(3742 posts, started )