Danieel, me and my buddy thought that if its possible to make autoreconnect system in LFSLazy if you play in cruise servers like us, if you lose ur connection it autoreconnects you back to server? Possible?
Problem with such an option would be in case you get kicked for being AFK, what quite some servers do. Obviously if server kick you, that mean you are not welcome to just idle at server and you should not rejoin. There isn't a way to differentiate lost connection and kick in LFS.
New version will have an option to turn off verification. Nacim has confirmed that this solves problem in his case, however I do not recommend using it, tho 95% of other programs don't have such verification (FPS, recording programs, ...)
Looks very good!
Only thing I miss on UF1 is gear number
New version will not require users to install specials fonts, as they can be loaded from file now, and I added a couple of more indicators
Works fine here if I first start Lazy and then fraps. In other case if fraps is already running, Lazy will refuse to load overlay... Is that what you are reffering to or in your case it isn't as I described?
It is simply drawing dashboard over the default one, pretty much same thing what FRAPS and every screen recording program does, tho they often render just FPS. Only hooked functions are directx core functions (d3d9.dll), that means there is absolutely no change to actual LFS code.
About focus stealing - does it happen only since latest build or happened previously too? Every person I've asked that previously had problems now confirmed that everything is fine (windows).
Well, quite some people know this for years and previously as there was no fuel info it was easy to cheat fuel. I've got permission on that feature.
Meantime I've decided to improve my XFG dash textures, which lead to some quite nice improvements to Dashboard Editor. So now you can put fonts in "Fonts" folder, which doesn't require users to install them. Gauges got a new division lights, idea is to have like leds which turn on as needle move. I think the results are pretty nice, however some say it is too futuristic for a car like XFG (which should fit more to 1990s). It is very easy to turn it off, so I don't think it will be a problem for anyone. And finally now you can specify what each individual indicator/gauge/text do when ignition is off.
Also simpler then driving around on a server with illegal admin status?
Thanks but I would have liked to hear it from him. Of course he doesn't want to say it.
Another nail into the coffin of league racing. First setup stealing and now this. And the excuse is 'fuel cheating' this time? LFS looses more and more popularity because of these 'race' options. Turning a race simulator rapidly into a toy simulator.
But if you look from a race organizer point of view and you see all this happen -basically pit stop strategies are now worthless as well- Then you can say, OK LFS is not really the place to be anymore to organize something serious. If thats the objective of all this, then fine. I just don't understand. Especially not when there is official permission to do this. And then making movies about reality? Meh..
But eehh I am not going to make a very big discussion out of it in this topic, it's not worth it.