trying AC again, bought somewhere almost last year but the functionality outright sucked backed then.
Now it has mouse support and multiplayer even though it's pretty dodgy, can't setup clutch... can't setup mouse buttons... multiplayer is something like LFS demo madness on steroids...
First driving impressions from AC on proper PC and mouse are: "Arcade Corsa" :/
That about sums it up unfortunately. Floaty, the tyre grip is weird and hard to predict, suspension is either too soft or it acts strange, sort of can't feel the balance but then when I go over a curb in a corner it starts to go up/down as it lands that's about the only time I can notice oh hey it does have suspension

I found rFactor similar in handling but a little harder to control. In AC driving overpowered cars seems to be no problem, TC off, SC off.
Setuping, awful, not easy to navigate, can't find a place to send/receive setups, nor a web database of them, anyone know of one? I've tried changes but they are hard to notice unlike in LFS where small changes are noticeable more easily.
Setup values don't always seem realistic and appear to be even: 0 or 1 for setting something, which is plain weird and provides no info about what change it does, instead of listing say 50 or 70 kN (realistic value with realistic units) it just says 0 or 1...
Multiplayer (beta), took 5 tries when I was first connecting to get on a server and not get kicked for some unknown reason right away or get the checksum bug.
Collisions, haven't seen worse? LFS has poor collisions, but AC beats it lol. As illustrated already in GIFs here haha. Bouncy collisions, lags and all that jazz.
For mods quickly I found racedepartment I think, any sites that collect mods/tracks/cars/setups? Is there an official database for these or is it the usual rFactor like madness?
Graphic options... well turning off the postprocessing helps to bring back clarity as the PP is not very adjustable in game and blurs most of the image with effects DoF/bloom/HDR/..., it is better adjustable in config files than in game. Sure looks "nice" for videos/screenshotsm but it's not so great to have the image blurred and HDRed for racing. Found some custom normalized preset that seems to recover the blacks that kind of get lost with the default presets. Any good post processing presets around to download? Too bad one really can't change this easily in the GUI, all the parameters of the effects, especially while in game, not while in the separate menu program :/ Yeah, it's just weird they still keep it separate, the menu and the actual game.
Is there a WR database with replays & setups that is valid?
I know there is this one:
but it doesn't seem valid to me and there are some ridiculous error times too in it. No idea if it offers replays or setups, couldn't find them easily.
The penalty system if turned ON is ridiculous and annoying. The game taking control of a car is as well. Clutch handling is pretty bad and can't setup clutch to a button to fix it manually when needed.
No ready check before race start ==> half the cars on grid are still ==> crashes.
After race the car goes to autopilot, screen turns gray, teleported to pits, WTF, results are shown, then again it goes gray etc. During race questions pop up all the time for restarting and kicking people, something that can be disabled easily in LFS.
Couldn't find what helpers are turned on on various servers before joining them.
Custom tracks and cars that are hard to find are also pretty neat obstacle for online gaming. If it would at least provide a description of the server with required mods and where to get them
Overall, I find the steering is pretty unresponsive at times, in LFS I would already crash but in AC no problem still going fine.
Sounds, some are good but some make me laugh, the tyre squeals can be weird at times.
No latency limit on servers... ==> total madness.
Cars jumping around track, then going out of track only to be respawn behind you and crash you...
Tracks, talking about stock ones, not mods, are buggy, sometimes hitting the side of the road means falling through into infinite space and session automatically restarts. Sometimes there is no wall or protection on the side of the track yet there is an invisible wall

WTF Just let me fall down on a hill climb, I don't want invisible walls right next to the tarmac limiting me.
Brakes are funny, a year ago the cars liked to pull to one side, now not really. With ABS the brakes are sometimes almost nonexistent :| It's sort of a feeling: is it braking? or should I go Flinstone and stop with my feet through the floor?
For mods it would be nice if they were somehow distinguishable from original content, either have a small mark or have their own subsection when selecting cars/tracks.
Too bad LFS devs can't make S3, would have gladly bought S3 instead of AC. Guess I will drive Blackwood in AC then :P