Hello, Iam having regular blue screen when I quit LFS and trying to open chrome tabs. When I quit LFS and dont do nothing for a few sec everything is OK. If I try to show chrome tabs fast after quit blue screen happens.
The problem is when I want to play again I need to go through the setup procedure (player setting, license logging and all controller setting). It consums my license.
I have
-LFS 0.6G
-win 7
-ASUS ATI 4870eah
the blue screen error I saw was something like win2k.sys
The problem is when I want to play again I need to go through the setup procedure (player setting, license logging and all controller setting). It consums my license.
I have
-LFS 0.6G
-win 7
-ASUS ATI 4870eah
the blue screen error I saw was something like win2k.sys