The online racing simulator
car: UF1
track: DOLLAR
time: 22.81
start in replay: 00

car: LX4
track: DOLLAR
time: 22.44
start in replay: 00
Attached files
lx4 dollar 22.44.spr - 24.3 KB - 221 views
uf1 dollar 22.81.spr - 19.3 KB - 246 views
^--all times added.
pmw: yes, can still join.

I did not realize that this year's christmas would be on a wednesday.
So I will probally not be able to post third layout in time and test runs bit longer.
Of course then also possible to post times a bit longer.
(probally will only get to computer on thursday, hope is understandable)
happy holidays Smile
track: Dollar
car: UF1
time: 22,80
start in replay: 1°Lap

car: LX4
time: 22,05
start in replay: 1°Lap
Attached files
22,05.mpr - 14.1 KB - 250 views
22,80.mpr - 13.5 KB - 237 views
Quote from Gutholz :^--all times added.
pmw: yes, can still join.

I did not realize that this year's christmas would be on a wednesday.

:P It's on 25th Thursday,today 23rd is tuesday,tomorrow wednesday is 24th. Smile
^-- wfr0021 times added.

I meant "Heiligabend" (= christmas eve?), in gemany it is on 24th.
Oh yeah! I thought you were talking about Christmas,sorreh Big grin
Possible to join now? Smile
Yes, can still join.
Old layouts you have to drive offline, on server is only the newest one.
Do I confuse something or did you just get S2 for christmas?
^-- will add Litro's times after Crashmas derby. - added

viraaj5555: Yes, needs all PBs so that all times can be summed up.
There was rule to prevent "late-joiners" from having unfair advantage (more practice time), but you just got S2 this week so no problem Wink Just upload previous 2 times too, if you want.


Test 3 is now published and on server! (click)

In this layout six gates have to be passed through, the best route you must find yourself.
The shortest way is not always the quickest.
Or is it?

Attached images
Doors C can be passed in both directions?
Quote from d_cury :Doors C can be passed in both directions?

From outside to inside. Or inside to outside.
But must be in reverse and only pass one time.
made a picture:
Attached images
Ok, Thanks!
track: Half Dozen Gates
car: LX4
time: 23.24
start in replay: 0:00

track: Half Dozen Gates
car: UF1
time: 22.43
start in replay: 0:00
Attached files
lx4 dozen 23.24.spr - 24.7 KB - 264 views
uf1 dozen 22.43.spr - 27.6 KB - 245 views
track: Half Dozen Gates
car: LX4
time: 22.65

car: UF1000
time: 25.45
after the LX4 lap I was too dizzy to go faster with the Mini...

Standings update and new test will come in new year, do not drink & drive today Wink
Those who had too much christmas stress may of course post times bit later, it is not so strict.
Attached files
t3 HDG guth Uf1 24.53.spr - 27.7 KB - 235 views
T-3 guth HDG LX4 22.65.spr - 27.5 KB - 252 views
Why so fast lay change? :O
Quote from Litro :Why so fast lay change? :O

Hm, perhaps you are right. The holidays messed it up a bit. Last "week" was shortend because of the christmas delay and then New Year's Eve.
So week 3 will run until 7 Jan to get back into the weekly wednesday-to-wednesday schedule Smile
#70 - 5tag
Great Event!

What a shame I missed the first two weeks.

My times for T3:

UF1: 0:21:73

LX4: 0:21:60
Attached files
T3_LX4_21.60.spr - 18.1 KB - 232 views
T3_UF1_21.73.spr - 18.3 KB - 218 views
^-- all times added.
5tag: added you too; and nice precise driving Tilt
#72 - 5tag
Thank you. :] It may be precise but it takes me dozens of attempts. In a real life event I'd probably knock over half the obstacles and break my gearbox in the meantime. Those Autotest Videos you linked are amazing to watch, I'm still baffled everytime I see them.
Yes, always takes me several attempts as well. (as can be seen in the timelapse video further up in thread)

Bit improved with UF1...
track: Half Dozen Gates
car: UF1
time: 22.74

...Test 4 in a few moments...
Attached files
t-3 guth UF1 22.74.spr - 25.7 KB - 238 views
server had wrong cars (probally because it reseted somehow) but now all set again.