The online racing simulator
Help with C#
Hello, i have a simple drift insim on C#, its save player scores, i want add command with top scores, i already made command with tabs, but cant get that there are listed players with highest scores from #1 till #10, i have trying dirferent ways and looking for help in almost all this forum topic but with out any luck, can any help with that?
Can you upload insim? Please?
How do you save the scores? If its something like a SQL database you could just query the highest scores.

We can't really help you any further if you elaborate more on your project.
all scores ar saved in each player txt file, i take open LsGO cruise source and make for drift, is it posibe that the top command take the score from user folder txt file? or i need to make somhowe diferent?
Can you upload your insim.?
Any help?

@kepp1313 stop asking, if you need insim make it by your self Wink

EDIT: Can i make one txt file where insim saves each player and theri score like this - Username name (Player name) - Score
and its upgrade when player get new high score, and the insim take from the txt file for the top10
Sounds like a bad idea. I don't think you can efficiently store that information. I would make a database with scores that keeps track of all scores, with a car, track, and other information. Then you can just query the 10 highest scores. If you want to use text files for some reason, you can try to store the highest score (and update every time it gets beaten) for every player. You should be able to store and retrieve that just like you would with cash, cars, mileage, etc etc.
How can made that the insim put diferent player scores, not only my scores? i added line with datebase location and them in button ad C.Scores but its show only my scores in all buttons, trying diferent ways but no sucesful
I don't know how you currently fetch the scores, but I imagine you would have to loop through all players.