I'm having a trouble connecting to a server
Hello guys ..
I've been trying since the morning to connect to a server, (HFR)Cruise City. but i keep getting "Connect timed out". Some people kept saying i was banned, but i'm not, cuz i can't open any HFR server ((HFR)Cruise City, (HFR)Cruise Server, or the server where we test the insim).
I tried to restart my pc, but i keep getting the same message. Also i tried to connect to other servers like WKD and TC, and some demo servers, and i connect successfully.
I asked someone else to connect to HFR (to check if the problem was from the server) but i found that there were many players there, so it's not the server's problem.
I also tried to reinstall the game, but i keep getting the same message, "Connect timed out".
There is nothing left to try, so i can't figure out where the problem is !!

So, is there any ideas about this thing?
Thank you all Smile
#2 - kdo
Is the server hosted on your pc ?

If yes try to connect from local in specific host
Nope .. the 3 servers are on the master server.
and they're not from my pc and not mine.
#4 - kdo
Try to reset your network card and or re install the drivers.
But if there was a problem in my network, i would not be able to connect to other servers, right?
Try restarting your router.
I've already done that !!
I actually don't know what happened, but i gave it a shot and connected successfully .. that's totally weird O.O
Anyway, thank you guys for trying to help
was most likely a server down on the route from u to the server.
happens once in a while Smile
bro update lfs to Wersion H Smile