Well how is that gonna work now? "SHift + S after crash!!!!"
Really though, more banger server's is always a plus, even more so one that encourage's wrecking FM member's!!! Ill have to check that out later on tonight!
i really had TONS of fun on this and it is even more fun when you go on the vent server for a little voicechat. I can really recommend this server, the more people are on,the more fun it is.I hope to race on this one with 20 people,that would be ultimate.
-Feel free to reset Ur car!
-Hit Shift+S if U want!
-Midracejoin is allowed!
-No driving in the wrong direction,please!
-Remeber,it's a banger-race not an destruction-derby! So focus on racing while banging the others!!!
And the most important rule,have fun with all the guys on the server!!!!
CU BlasteR
P.S. Being impolite ; racism ; and these things won't be accepted by anyone on this server!!!!!!! So keep it clean!!!!!!