Yes, that's been my thought exactly. One version that runs live like the videos, but then another one that spits out samples. I've had a couple indie developers express interest in that.
This actually runs on the graphics card if you can believe that. It's all done with a compute shader, otherwise there's just no way to run that in real time with somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 billion computations per second. A single core on a CPU last time I checked did maybe 1.3 billiion, so it's on another level computationally speaking. I was amazed that it actually ran with the boat simulator on top of it:
It's a cool concept, something I thought of almost 20 years ago but didn't have the programming knowledge to pull off back then. I've done several CPU experiments over the years trying different ideas. The ultimate was to try bunging it onto a compute shader so it'd run on the graphics card like this one. Last summer I succeeded, but unfortunately it's still a bit too resource heavy. It's doing almost nothing on the CPU itself other than copying a small amount of data to the sound buffer now and then. Depending on how much you're doing, using the graphics card can mean cutting into the frame rate pretty badly.
So it was pretty close, my best attempt yet probably, but fell just a bit short on the audio quality and computational resource side unfortunately. As graphics cards continue to get faster, one of those problems will fix itself, but the other will take some more thinking and work. In the meantime I've decided to just use samples for the boat sim. Maybe some day I can improve the other thing to the point where it could be used for professional audio like you said. Given the cost of audio production (especially recording samples), there's got to be some money there. Someone suggested I just keep the tool to myself and produce sound files to put on the Unity Asset Store and so on.
Anyway, I'm not happy enough with the quality to go there just yet. Maybe some day.
FMOD: What I liked about this, at least in regards to Unity, is that once I learned more or less how the system worked I was able to drop in Greg's audio just as he'd produced it. This is really nice from a workflow standpoint because if a guy sends me something new, it just takes a few minutes to get it in and running exactly as he designed it complete with the cross fading and everything. I have no idea what it's like to actually do that side of it though, I've not used the designer for anything myself other than to tweak a volume blend or something.
Keep in touch on the audio. If you come up with something, even months from now, it'd be nice to hear about it. You never know...