It's got a long ways to go, but I want to be very serious about finishing this project and making sure that it's "top quality," for being something coming out of a nobody name in any game.
The model in those previews is at 30,660 triangles, and I have a long way to go.
Believe it or not though, games nowadays the "recommended" value for A/C is 60,000 triangles for the outside, and another 60,000 for the interior.
That's too rich for my blood.
I've grown up with LFS, looks are only skin deep, but I want it to be pretty, but I also want it to be accurate.
Anyone can shove a good model into A/C, but it isn't accurate. Same goes for this.
But this is also deeper than that.
You can see out of these 20 some odd pages in this thread I've never actually finished a project.
I am going to finish this project.