The online racing simulator
It seems in AX editor the diameter of routecheckers/marshals can not be changed? (always 6 meters)
It says "Diameter: 6m" but no up/down buttons to adjust and right-click does nothing.
Quote from Gutholz :It seems in AX editor the diameter of routecheckers/marshals can not be changed? (always 6 meters)
It says "Diameter: 6m" but no up/down buttons to adjust and right-click does nothing.

press "W" or "E"
Quote from Scawen :That worked! Thanks for the test!

Here is the replay! Smile


Watching a replay of a new Westhill noticed that the positions in the race are shown on the screen at once with a list of items deviate much from the actual position on the track - you can see it such as BF1 taking the lead, and he writes that it is still 5, or just look at the passage Scaven's are jumps 10 places.

PS. The track looks great
scawen any chance we might get a "no suspension damage" mode for this sort of thing
there a huge potential there for some trackmania type crazyness combined with good physics

Quote from Flame CZE :Oh look what I've made

I'm loving the new autocross objects!
Quote from Taavi(EST) :Can something like this be fixed?

I mean the alpha overlay texture that's not really aligned with the track and is hovering above it?

If it was close to the ground, it would be z-clipping, so that's why it has to be higher above.
At least we are able to make much longer track than KY3X, hybrid streetracetrack

Contains all tracks and streets, 85% of whole track area. ( Could make 100% if using slabs and that stuff in interjections, but that's other story )

EDIT: sry off topic though
Scawen, I discovered a bug. When moving from CONCRETE objects to another object and then placing it, it allows for them to be overlapped (this is good!). However if you switch to another object and then back to a different object that isn't concrete, it tells me some objects overlap and I can't do that.
I even noticed some objects have blue dots and others red. Unless only autocross zones let you overlap.
Quote from LuckyLukeT :As a suggestion, could the config roads be marked with thin lines along side with the track line itself?

As you can see, we have stray arrows of people who are on the awesome back roads Smile

Absolutely top notch work! Great job guys!

Totally agree with Luke here, access roads drawn on the minimap is a brilliant suggestion.

And again, great work Dev team Smile
Bring back vob mod support in next patch? Miss Z28 days..
Quote from -LegoBased- :Bring back vob mod support in next patch? Miss Z28 days..

VOB Modifications are not supported via official LFS channels.
Russian lang string
Attached files
Russian.txt - 1.1 KB - 405 views
really disappointing that grid size for autocross is only pushed to 20 .. thats like some sort of joke =/ why you have to limit it there? if someone has problems with his connection or computer thats no reason to block whole community for it :/
New Westhill is superb
I found this bug after driving around. Some Shadows on the sealing.

I love the detail on the flowers, 3D and all.
Attached images
Image2 - Copy.png
Image1 - Copy.png
BUG: Can place start object in a raised z object position, however when you exit the pits it starts you on ground level even if an object was between you and the floor
thanks a lot ,awesome work.
i got a problem in every places i have 80 fps and drop to 25 fps really fast. so I do a test, Texture memory usage:81.6mb (standard textures) so i converted all files for 128x128, after convert i got Texture memory usage:23.0mb and fps drop always...

Note: I put all settings in low performance and i test in singleplayer.
Hi, today I was racing at Cargame and suddenly my screen went black, I disconnected the HDMI (I play with a laptop) and I could see again but not in LFS, LFS stayed black and the only thing working was the sound, I had to leave with Shift F4, never happened before. Also, I'm getting a lot of stuttering some times, it goes from 70 fps to 0 fps, and again, never happened before.
Quote from chanoman315 :Hi, today I was racing at Cargame and suddenly my screen went black, I disconnected the HDMI (I play with a laptop) and I could see again but not in LFS, LFS stayed black and the only thing working was the sound, I had to leave with Shift F4, never happened before. Also, I'm getting a lot of stuttering some times, it goes from 70 fps to 0 fps, and again, never happened before.

Do you use Windowed or Fullscreen?
Like Troy already mentioned LFS for some reason now can get the GPU into power saving mode (especially on laptops I think?). If you want good performance you now need to go to Nvidea's configuration panel, add/select LFS.exe and force the GPU to run into running at optimum performance. If you are having a Nvidea chipset of course, no idea how it's working on Intel/ATI platforms.
Quote from racer autov8 :
Quote from chanoman315 :Hi, today I was racing at Cargame and suddenly my screen went black, I disconnected the HDMI (I play with a laptop) and I could see again but not in LFS, LFS stayed black and the only thing working was the sound, I had to leave with Shift F4, never happened before. Also, I'm getting a lot of stuttering some times, it goes from 70 fps to 0 fps, and again, never happened before.

Do you use Windowed or Fullscreen?

I was using full screen, tried to use task manager but my screen kept blackened, when I disconnected the HDMI I could see the task manager and LFS already windowed, clicked on LFS and as I already explained I only heard and could not see. I'm using Windows Vista, 64 bits.

I have ATI
Quote from Lucas McFly :Watching a replay of a new Westhill noticed that the positions in the race are shown on the screen at once with a list of items deviate much from the actual position on the track - you can see it such as BF1 taking the lead, and he writes that it is still 5, or just look at the passage Scaven's are jumps 10 places.

Wasn't it open config? If so,positions get updated only in split points there.
Quote from RasKK :really disappointing that grid size for autocross is only pushed to 20 .. thats like some sort of joke =/ why you have to limit it there? if someone has problems with his connection or computer thats no reason to block whole community for it :/

Go to Westhill carpark,you can get 40 positions there! Cool
Quote from RasKK :really disappointing that grid size for autocross is only pushed to 20 .. thats like some sort of joke =/ why you have to limit it there? if someone has problems with his connection or computer thats no reason to block whole community for it :/

You can also use a layout to place up to 40 starting positions.
This thread is closed

TEST PATCH 0.6G14 - New Westhill Circuit
(314 posts, closed, started )