The online racing simulator
Round 5 - LX4 @ Blackwood Grand Prix reversed
Mon. 30. Mar. 2015, 18:30h (UTC)

Blackwood GP Track reversed (BL1R)
Sunset Overcast (3), low wind (1)

2 shot qualification of 15 minutes
race over 50 laps

The fifth race of the season takes place at Blackwood Grand Prix reversed with the LX4 and low wind.

The qualifying session is a 15-minute 2-shot qualifying: Every driver may drive up to two timed laps within the time window. These laps MAY NOT be consecutive ones.
The race follows and is scheduled for 50 laps, starting after a lag lap.

As usual, the pitlane exit blend line has to be respected and every driver may rejoin the race once, until the leading driver begins the third lap of the race. Also, if you are unable to attend the race, please withdraw from the race via the CL-status script until April 1st, 2015 18:30 UTC.

In a new procedure, race admins are now reviewing the first two laps of the race and will, if necessary, protest situations.

Furthermore the following things are important:
1st: We entered summer time/daylight saving time on March 29th 2015! So the Briefing for the race starts at 18:15 UTC (20:15 Central European Summer Time).
2nd: The race takes place in Live for Speed Version 0.6G (or compatible). So our servers are also up to that version. If you update to G14+, please keep a copy of your data.

practice race (Son, 29.03.2015, 18:00 UTC):
livestream (Mon, 30.03.2015, 18:15 UTC):
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