The online racing simulator
Quote from chucknorris :Is it possible to add multiple of custom those pit boxes? That might be handy.

Yeah man
Quote from Scawen :Because the big problem is when you build a track that is far from any available pit lane. Then say you do a false start, you are given a stop-go or drive-through penalty that can never be cleared. You are guaranteed to be disqualified then. So we needed a way to disable pit lane. It seemed to me that if you ever added a custom pit stop, that suggests you can't use the normal pit stops, so this was a convenient way to disable the pit lane and solve all the problems in one morning.

I'm interested in (possibly) adding "checkpoints" or something to mark the start and end of a custom pit lane with speed limit in future but there's no way can I do it in such a short time.


I figure that if people still wanted pit boxes in the pit lane they could just add custom ones there too.
Interesting bug. We have 40 custom start points and pit start points yet some people are still being spawned in the real pit lane. I've tried to find an explanation but I'm at a loss at the moment.
Quote from chucknorris :Is it possible to add multiple of custom those pit boxes? That might be handy.

I think you can add up to 1500 of them. Let me know if not! Smile

Quote from mbutcher :Interesting bug. We have 40 custom start points and pit start points yet some people are still being spawned in the real pit lane. I've tried to find an explanation but I'm at a loss at the moment.

Have you checked their numbers? Maybe you have duplicate numbers. If so then there must be a missing number. LFS doesn't help much with that!
this has been already reported, but it can be seen also from other car view

It just appear on those concretes that are overlayed and a car is near (their shadows I assume)
If you want to try it join the server I PM you (my teammates want to keep the layout in secret for now) Edit: Ok, you have PM unabled. Can you join our server even so?

Also, I have found a problem. If you restore your car under a concrete, where you appear depends on the cars height
Try the layout I attach below (WE1X)
Step1 :Get the RAC car, restart the race. You will appear under the concrete, restore the car, you'll appear under the concrete.
Step2: Get RB4 car, do the same. You'll appear above the concrete

Why is there a marshal inside the building? XDD

PD3: One advertise has a shadow, the other one nope. The same with the wind-flag-post
Attached files
WE1X_test.lyt - 44 B - 610 views
Quote from josemspain :
Also, I have found a problem. If you restore your car under a concrete, where you appear depends on the cars height
Try the layout I attach below (WE1X)
Step1 :Get the RAC car, restart the race. You will appear under the concrete, restore the car, you'll appear under the concrete.
Step2: Get RB4 car, do the same. You'll appear above the concrete

Fixed in G16
Quote from mbutcher :
Quote from josemspain :
Step2: Get RB4 car, do the same. You'll appear above the concrete

Fixed in G16

Not fixed in fact. Try his layout with a default RB4. You start below it. When you reset the car it goes on top. It's not the same as the thing that was fixed. This one is to do with car height. Probably this will not be fixed. If you want reliable car reset (space bar) below concrete, the concrete should be a bit higher or you may jump on top.
(josemspain) DELETED by josemspain : scawen already replied
Scawen could you update 1st post and thread subject with new test patches? I wasn't aware of then until now I spotted your posts by a chance.

Kerbstones are very brutal. Looks like car does not drive on them, but wheel is teleported 10cm up. Everything except this minor glitch is just FAN-TA-wait for it-DARY Big grin
Quote from Scawen :
Quote from mbutcher :
Quote from josemspain :
Step2: Get RB4 car, do the same. You'll appear above the concrete

Fixed in G16

Not fixed in fact. Try his layout with a default RB4. You start below it. When you reset the car it goes on top. It's not the same as the thing that was fixed. This one is to do with car height. Probably this will not be fixed. If you want reliable car reset (space bar) below concrete, the concrete should be a bit higher or you may jump on top.

It also depends on the height setup, not just by the default one:
Give it a try on that layout (RB4)

I wonder if by damaging the car the inherit height parameter is modified
Attached files
RB4_wt.set - 132 B - 1310 views
Don't know if this problem was already answered by you Scawen, but I still have a massive frame drop at some parts of the track. It changes from over 100 fps to about 60 and rises up then again.

Could this be a problem by myself or is it a known problem and will be fixed in the official patch?
An occasional frame rate loss has been reported by several people. For some reason apparently the CPU is randomly switching to power saving mode. I don't know of any way to avoid that, but I believe you can avoid it with your settings.
Quote from Scawen :An occasional frame rate loss has been reported by several people. For some reason apparently the CPU is randomly switching to power saving mode. I don't know of any way to avoid that, but I believe you can avoid it with your settings.

ohh good to know it wasn't me alone so was afraid to input that "Bug" here

So basically with no MP optimization, and facing the back straight of westhill i have a massive fps from 120+ to 25
A small suggestion – when selecting an open config on the track selection screen, a help text saying "Open configuration" could be shown where the circuit length usually is. Some people may not know what the X and Y buttons do.

There is a text string 3h_openconf - "Open configuration :", which could be used after removing the colon.

Or alternatively, an unused text a_info_tot - "total" could be used to show the lengths of all configurations on that track (e.g. "9.5 km total"). Not sure how relevant or useful it would be, though.
Attached images
I found a bug when you fly over the trees then crashed into "alleged" in them. At the end of the replay nickname Joner flew off the road that leads up and crashed into anything
Attached files
bag.mpr - 1.8 MB - 649 views
Same story with pillars
Quote from Scawen :An occasional frame rate loss has been reported by several people. For some reason apparently the CPU is randomly switching to power saving mode. I don't know of any way to avoid that, but I believe you can avoid it with your settings.

It's the (Nvidia) GPU, I had to set my GPU to "max power" mode for LFS in the nvidia control panel, otherwise it would go back to a very low clockspeed causing those huge FPS spikes.

Not sure if that is a problem on the nvidia side, could be a driver update or something that caused it and not the testpatch.
DEAR Scawen Roberts, Eric Bailey and Victor van Vlaardingen! Need to say HUGE THANX from my friends who playing in LFS S2!!! They dont know well English, so I'm saying in the name of them. And one thing they asked - can You make objects like tree and bush? That would be great!
One more time THANK YOU!
Noticed shadows flickering on new Westhill start finish overhead sign when cars drive under it. Probably same old shadowing system limits,I guess. Shrug
Activation issue

Installation of version 0.6G14
Update to version 0.6G16 (without G15)

Master server report error "unknown version"

If I install first 0.6G15, activate LFS and install 0.6G16 everything works fine. Perhaps activation server did not know G16?
(troy) DELETED by troy : nilex was using G15
Quote from Scawen :An occasional frame rate loss has been reported by several people. For some reason apparently the CPU is randomly switching to power saving mode. I don't know of any way to avoid that, but I believe you can avoid it with your settings.

Well for me it only happens in 3 places (on the westhill international) and it's probably not cpu power saving mode, i have always everything on 100%. (even with turned off cpu termal throttling in bios).
Basically if people have good or average pc 100fps+ and on that 3 places of the track which i've posted before in my previous post they have drops to around 60-70fps and they don't think its bad because they still have 60-70fps which is still very comfortable to play.

But if someone have older pc (or poor gpu like mine) then it drops from my average 30-40fps which i have (and that's fps its quite okay for most track) to even 15-20fps at those places which is not so good then. For me (and my poor integrated gpu) those places of the track are:
1. entry of the last corner at westhill international (drops from 40-60fps to 20-25)
In the middle of the corner somehow its going back to 40-60fps.
2. exit of the last corner at westhill international (when exiting from last turn and looking at main straight) again drops to 20-25fps.
Well in the main straight from pit entry to the first corner again somehow its back to 30-40fps which is ok for me.
3. First turn at the westhill international here it sometimes drops to even 15fps or less if more cars is in the race (but when driving alone it drops to like 15-20fps)

I think that might be a thing that in those places there is much things or objects to render maybe, and it needs to render them now and sometimes (mainly at first turn) game freezes a little (0.1s-0.5s). As sayed before, without that 3 places where fps hugely drops rest of the track is great and there is no fps drops and the rest of the track at my poor integrated gpu is around 30-40fps and sometimes even goes to around 80fps Wink.

Oh and almost forget, with lower resolution track textures (it quite helps) game not freezes (at least not when driving alone) but that fps drops still not gone away and it didn't fixed my problem with fps drops.
Pillar fix Colour: Blue,Red,White,yellow?
New version 0.6G17!

Everyone must update to G17 now. Sorry if that is inconvenient but we need the latest updates tested.

At the moment, the way to do that is by using the in game auto-updater. It should work if you have any version G14 to G16.

Changes from 0.6G16 to 0.6G17 :

New Westhill track update with various fixes
New concrete objects Wedge and Short Slab Wall
Maximum autocross objects increased to 1800

Changes from 0.6G15 to 0.6G16 :

Misc :

Custom pit stop box can now be used to repair car and refuel
Custom pit stop box disables pit lane and default pit stops
Maximum multiplayer car draw distance up from 300 to 500
Interface buttons now drawn in front of the object buttons
Off path side messages only shown with Network Debug enabled
More translations updated

InSim :

ISP_NCI packet added to give host more info about new guest

Fixes :

Reset points on raised concrete did not work first time in
Default start points wrongly put car on concrete above them

Changes from 0.6G14 to 0.6G15 :

Layouts :

Car shadows now appear on the concrete objects
Raised start positions now work with concrete objects
Up/down buttons beside checkpoint width / circle diameter

Fixes :

Coloured concrete often did not go back to grey in editor
InSim IS_REO packet was ignored if more than 32 players

Misc :

More translations updated
is posible a night mode? and mountain track too : s to add to projects to do.
....wrong post...
sorry Big grin
Thanks Scawen ! Keep it up ! Smile

EDIT : Can you edit the first post as well as the title, just like previous test patches ("0.xx test patch (now 0.xx)" ) ? Smile
This thread is closed

TEST PATCH 0.6G14 - New Westhill Circuit
(314 posts, closed, started )