The online racing simulator
The custom shaders thread
(194 posts, started )
i'm waiting for a release x)

kepp the good work up mate
Looks astonishing!
looks great!
very very nice work! especially impressed by the "accentuated mirror effect" at the edge of the car body.

please dont give up, every effort to make lfs look better are welcome and if you need some helps we are here.
thers look grat keep up the good work and i can not wight for thers to use them
what's up
Quote from Scawen :There are some small optimisations that can be done, with minor frame rate benefits. I can't say exactly how much but I expect very small benefits like 1 or 2 per cent from the ideas I already have. The car shadows do cause a significant slowdown and it will be interesting what will happen with a new shadow system I would like to try at some point. Though I expect that to have a negative effect on frame rate.

Thanks in advance but I do not wish to discuss a new shadow system, I just want to try it at some time. I also have some partly developed live generated car reflections that also will reduce the frame rate further for your viewing pleasure! Wink They look nice though! Big grin

Here is what's up.
how do u create the reflection sphere? like ingame is it an buttn or smtn?
Lol, no, I guess he had to take multiple pictures at differents camera rotations and do the stuff in Photoshop. Wink
Can we get an update on Keiichi's shader? It looks really nice, I'd love to get my hands on the shader in the screenshot
Another shading experiment:
Tried to swicth rendering to linear color space.
All input values are converted to linear color space, and after all caculations in shaders are done, outputs returned to sRGB in post-processing shader.
So, here's result:
Old sRGB gamma rendering :

Linear rendering:

If someone interested in using this, here's zip with shaders. Just drop these files in shaders folder and switch on post processing shader in game options.
Warning: Shaders was written in a dirty way, and contains a lot of pow() functions, which pretty heavy for computing. There also a lot pop up warnings in console, and on old tracks lighting may look pretty weird because it's not calibrated for linear rendering.
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Stunning ! Omg omg omg
I knew linear color space would be a nice addition to LFS, but just looking at this start, I'm totally convinced that it's the way to go ! But for a fully realistic effect, we need to check everything in the pipeline (shaders but also textures) to get the most accurate result. Smile

Keep it coming bro ! Thumbs up
I tried it in game and overall it seems to have a bit too much contrast. But when I compare it with the original shaders, the linear version definitely has got something that makes it look a bit more natural. The current shader looks so flat now Big grin

It's a good start though! And as nacim said, the textures might need some adjustment, now they look a bit dark with too much contrast - especially the interiors.

Keep it up.
Amazing work!

Quote from Flame CZE :I tried it in game and overall it seems to have a bit too much contrast...

It's a good start though! And as nacim said, the textures might need some adjustment, now they look a bit dark with too much contrast - especially the interiors.

Keep it up.

Indeed. To make it work correctly, 2 things needs to be done.
First, adjust all textures for linear color space. Not impossible, just some routine work.
And second, and most important - somehow readjust and recalibrate all baked lighting. If this can be done, all shadows and highlights will have more natural look.
Great result! if only you can find a solution for the exaggerated contrast because that will be a must have mod once finished !
This looks amazing! Thanks!
Quote from lfsrm :Great result! if only you can find a solution for the exaggerated contrast because that will be a must have mod once finished !

Maybe. But for now it's just a quickly done concept
Found a bug, forces are now only white Big grin

Took some screenshots. With theses new shaders, we can clearly see the lack of reflected objects on the car, there is only fences and tree that are really close to the car. That's too bad, I was hyped for a new one pass rendering technique to do full sphere mapping on DX9, but this is just wrong I'd say, it's still as unrealistic as before on covered areas of the track (on RO for example, with bleachers not displayed on reflections).
I hope Scawen will not wait too long before adding way more displayed objects and field of view, but I've read today that is was on his #1 priority before Rockingham, so let's hope it will be on the first 2016 test patch.
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I made two small shaders.
Not so nice as the ones posted in thread, but maybe the How is interessting:

The simplest possible shader:

The file to be used is: data\shaders\PostProcess.psh

Replace the stuff in main-function with this:

// Main function
float4 ps_main( in VS_OUTPUT In ) : COLOR
return float4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

The first three numbers (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) are RGB colors:
The result is red

The shader ALWAYS returns a red color...the result is as expected:
Spoiler - click to reveal

Congrats to your first shader in LFS!

It is bit boring if the shader always returns the same color, but it can "use the original picture"...

// look up colour
float4 tex_col = tex2D(Tex0, In.Texture);

...and do stuff with that. For example add a red color to the original picture:

return tex_col + float4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

The result is:
Spoiler - click to reveal

everything gets tinted red.

(pro tip: Try what happens if you substract a red color)

To work with seperate color channels is possible like this:
tex_col.r - red channel
tex_col.g, - green channel
tex_col.b, - blue channel

So for example swapping the red and green channel:

return float4 (tex_col.g, tex_col.r, tex_col.b, 1.0f);

(Note the usual order would be: red, green, blue.
But now the shader swapped it to be: green, red, blue)
The result is:

Spoiler - click to reveal

What used to be red is now green.
What used to be green is now red.

With multiplying and swapping colors etc one make a useless nightvision-effect shader:

(I do not remember the formular, just experiment)

A bit more useful is this shader to change color saturation:

It uses the same principles as written above.
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#46 - CB-1
Hello, I modified the "postprocess" file a bit
it is not a big thing, but I see it a little better than the original.
I could not lower the intensity of the colors, but now it does not hurt my eyes

You know... Place "PostProcess.psh" file in the "LFS / Data / Shaders" folder
Rename the original file before copying this, to have it as a backup.

-- Obviously this only works with the "post processing shader" enabled in the options --

Bye, and sry my bad english.
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Good colors for photo session
but terrible for eyes in race
any update on the shaders?
Hello everyone,

I've just came here to post my lastest addition to LFS's Shader: Crytek's Volumetric Fog! Smile

It really improve the depth of the scene, check it out:


South City



It's not perfect, for example dyanamic trees and tires still uses the old fog, but I'll try to get it fixed when I can. It already includes Keiichi's linear color space shader. Don't mind the bloom and vignetting, it's my Reshade preset. I can share it when it's finished. Enjoy Smile

(extract the content of the folder in your LFS folder -> data/shader/ and replace all)
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very darkly

The custom shaders thread
(194 posts, started )