The online racing simulator
(1578 posts, closed, started , go to first unread)
Thanks, that was fast enough, much appreciated!
g17 pls
It was updated more than hour ago. Tilt
Ok my bad dawen
+10 for u daniel ^^ you forever updating the system and conected here SmileSmile nice support ^^
Can you please update to 0.6G18? Thank you very much.
WOW, Scawen is too fast!
It is updated now Thumbs up
Scawen > dawen ريال
0.6G19! lol quick update xD
lol these fast mans Fap
Hey man, whenever I try to enable dashboard or car radar or both, lfs stops working..
Did it work previously? Recent build didn't bring any changes to the way Radar/Dashboard work.

There was a similar report while ago :

Naruto said to me via PM that his crashes stoped after he moved to Windows 10. It couple be some weird OS/driver combination issue.
Could you please post your some details regarding your PC (OS/GPU/...)?
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Did it work previously? Recent build didn't bring any changes to the way Radar/Dashboard work.

There was a similar report while ago :

Naruto said to me via PM that his crashes stoped after he moved to Windows 10. It couple be some weird OS/driver combination issue.
Could you please post your some details regarding your PC (OS/GPU/...)?

It didn't work previously (On 0.6G14, G15, 17 etc..)

I have Windows 8.1 64 BIT in combination with a R9 290X and i7-4790k

Everything else still works if disable Dashboard and Car radar
am i the only one whos stuck at the window that keeps saying the my PubStats key is not valid?
Lfsw can find pub key i think and u can copy paste
I Daniel. I am a newbee to lfslazy. The autoupdate was impressive. It is working pretty well except a couple of thing.
I cant have the radar on screen. Even though it is ticked.
I have a window with the number of players it says check your firewall no UDP. Well I checked and I am fine, if I wasnot I couldnot host...

Most other features are great.
On the car menu, it would be nice to show the pb from lfsw not necesarily done using lfslazy...

Good work.
Yo! Daniel, you know I've been using the older version of Lazy for a while now because I was afraid to try the new dash stuff. I was worried it would be a bunch of extra gimmicks that I didn't need. But with the new LFS patch - I ended up going to the latest version of Lazy. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I actually enjoy the new dash! Great work on that buddy - it's got all the info one needs in a dash, I love it. And it was nice that I didn't have to fiddle with anything, the only setting that I had to redo with the update was the size of the radar back to the size I like, simple. Good job!
I do however miss the ability to see engine dmg and clutch dmg on other drivers, as an admin those tools came in handy for assisting beginners with advice on the damaging affects, or to spot speed hackers by witnessing their engine damage go to 100% when they use the hack. But I can live without those.
Quote from dogie213 :
It didn't work previously (On 0.6G14, G15, 17 etc..)

I have Windows 8.1 64 BIT in combination with a R9 290X and i7-4790k

Everything else still works if disable Dashboard and Car radar

As much as I'd like to help you I just cannot because I've got no clue what is happening on your PC.

Quote from driftbrk :am i the only one whos stuck at the window that keeps saying the my PubStats key is not valid?

Did you try getting new PubStats key from LFSW?

Quote from loopingz :I Daniel. I am a newbee to lfslazy. The autoupdate was impressive. It is working pretty well except a couple of thing.
I cant have the radar on screen. Even though it is ticked.
I have a window with the number of players it says check your firewall no UDP. Well I checked and I am fine, if I wasnot I couldnot host...

Most other features are great.
On the car menu, it would be nice to show the pb from lfsw not necesarily done using lfslazy...

Good work.

That message come up when there is no UDP packets coming to LFSLazy. First time when you run LFSLazy firewall most likely asked you to allow/block LFSLazy. These UDP packets do not relate to UDP packets for hosting.
You can try renaming LFSLazy.exe to something like LFSLazy2.exe, and start it, now there should be again firewall message where you should allow LFSLazy.

Quote from [SMOKE] :Yo! Daniel, you know I've been using the older version of Lazy for a while now because I was afraid to try the new dash stuff. I was worried it would be a bunch of extra gimmicks that I didn't need. But with the new LFS patch - I ended up going to the latest version of Lazy. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I actually enjoy the new dash! Great work on that buddy - it's got all the info one needs in a dash, I love it. And it was nice that I didn't have to fiddle with anything, the only setting that I had to redo with the update was the size of the radar back to the size I like, simple. Good job!
I do however miss the ability to see engine dmg and clutch dmg on other drivers, as an admin those tools came in handy for assisting beginners with advice on the damaging affects, or to spot speed hackers by witnessing their engine damage go to 100% when they use the hack. But I can live without those.

Glad that you like Dashboard/s. I did the programming side of Dashboard, for design etc other are responsible Smile
Engine/clutch dmg is not making its way back to Lazy.
Daniel thanks for the answer. I double checked the windows firewall and it is even allowed on non public network. I still have the issue. Strange.
its possible create a new dashboard? how can? i know i cant modify by copyright , but can i create my own dashboard? template? how to load ? thanks Smile nice program ^^
Quote from loopingz :Daniel thanks for the answer. I double checked the windows firewall and it is even allowed on non public network. I still have the issue. Strange.

Then I really don't know. If you want I can check it via TeamViewer sometime.
Quote from Davikasy :its possible create a new dashboard? how can? i know i cant modify by copyright , but can i create my own dashboard? template? how to load ? thanks Smile nice program ^^

You can access Dashboard Editor using "/o dash" while spectating a car.
Textures used for dashboard are stored in LFSLazy\Gauges\[car name].
I don't think that anyone will be mad on you for editing current dashes for learning purposes Wink
If you decide to release something here try to make it different or contact the author.
cant understand. im painted the gauges. and into the game see a big box in white. :s when painted the background dash. all its white :S need photoshop? or any program?
Which program did you use for editing of textures? I wouldn't really suggest MS Paint or similar programs that don't support alpha. For example I use, while more advanced users would prefer Photoshop.
Daniel, when does it updates WR times?
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