The online racing simulator
Hey there! Need some help with insim! {Solved}
Hi there . I have an problem with car dealer . i cant get it work!
Need the buy & sell buttons cuz i cant get it work. I can cod the rest!
I made the house and interface of house everything but i cant get the buttons work.!

Thx for Help !!!
It's happening a lot lately that people post these kind of topic starters, with hardly any information and then expect others to help them.
What program did you use as a basis?
What is the code you currently have and isn't working?
It's not just lately, it's been always like this. This section of the forum has about four actual programmers; the rest is composed of people who are under the impression that programming means changing text colors and button captions in a piece of code they don't really understand.

If you can "code the rest", what problem specifically are you having with buttons?
Hi again! sorry for my post last night but i was sleepy! Sorry!

Now lets start!
I am trying to do a car dealer. I made the house,interface,
and now i work for buy/ sell buttons

Here is the code:

string Cars = Connections[GetConnIdx(BTC.UCID)].Cars;
switch (StrMsg[1].ToUpper())
case "XRG":

Cars = Cars + " " + "XRG";
Connections[GetConnIdx(BTC.UCID)].Cars = Cars;
Connections[GetConnIdx(BTC.UCID)].Cash -= Dealer.GetCarPrice("XRG");
MsgAll("^4|^7 " + Connections[GetConnIdx(BTC.UCID)].PlayerName + " ^7bought a ^1XRG");
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^4|^7 You have bought ^1XR GTi (XRG) ^7in Garage", BTC.UCID, 0);
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^4|^7 Price Tag: ^1$" + Dealer.GetCarPrice("XRG") + " ^7You have: ^2$" + Connections[GetConnIdx(BTC.UCID)].Cash + " ^7left", BTC.UCID, 0);


Now when i put that in button click i get error cuz the "StrMsg[1]." So what i must to chenge to get it work in button click
What is StrMsg? Is that a string or an array of strings? The compiler is most likely telling you exactly what's wrong, just read the error message.
yup i solved it Big grin i must replace the StrMsg[1] with the car name and now it work :d thx for your post i just readed the error messages better than before !
Some times i am not verry focuse on the code and miss some things