No idea is it suggested before, as this has been in my mind before and I do not remember, but I got an idea. I have no idea though will it work on this way, but at least I definitely give a shot.
As people sometimes during race gets a bit messed on minimap about who is first and who isn't on race, and sometimes it gets mixed up easily while spectating the race itself, when pressing TAB / Shift+TAB to look next race on position, unless using minimap itself by clicking arrow indicate of racer, ( I do this on old fashion way if spectating, pressing TAB / Shift+TAB) this all happens in open configuration. Also it gets even more mixed now when people being creative and wants to make more and more complexive layouts ( I belong one of these )
Now here is plausible solution:
How about possibly making a recording a path while driving by pressing hotkey, and the circle of driver is following on middle and recording a path while driving. This gets saved automatically when lap is done and in Shift+U mode, you could save most recent path and add it to the layout. This works similarly like watching movies and adding subs.
What it would have in options:
Hotkey(s): Very simple, press button and recording happens, and it can be ended when lap is finished. Or pressing a button if not wanting to make a new one, the most recent will be stored on memory
Choosing a path on layout: Like loading layout button, and there comes a list, an extra button for "load path" and choosing a correct one in the list.
Saving method: Once it is done. Shift+U and give a name for path, or simply done with hotkey and giving a name.
Options: Radius of the circle in horizontally and vertically. the size of radius can be also changed with hotkeys ( if enough hotkeys )
Everyone can make it done in single player and administrators in multiplayer. Everyone can record a path though. The thing is that it isn't needed to make more than once, unless done incorrectly.
It could be loaded same way in command than loading "/autox" command, like "/autoxpath" or something like that.
Radius of recording path: For example, 16 meters in horizontally ( so 8 meters from you to the border ) and 2 meter vertically ( 1m from your car to border )
It could be recorded in parts, like from Start to 1st checkpoint, 1st to 2nd, or whole lap. The thing is you need only drive center of the track as much as possible.
And so on... It is like doing a hotlap and saving a replay, similar method in this as well.
I repeat: No idea does it work this way, as how hard this would need to code/recode or any, but tracks with open configuration and realtime racer pos check could make things a lot easier, and more enjoyable.
EDIT: About options: Showing like a purple ( or any color ) circles around while driving to make easier to indicate it's where it reaches.
EDIT2: I was thinking more of this and I say it would be bad to make in multiplayer, as if you get disconnected or timed out
If this is confirmed not possible to do like this at the moment / near future / at all, please lock thread and make this to the oblivion
As people sometimes during race gets a bit messed on minimap about who is first and who isn't on race, and sometimes it gets mixed up easily while spectating the race itself, when pressing TAB / Shift+TAB to look next race on position, unless using minimap itself by clicking arrow indicate of racer, ( I do this on old fashion way if spectating, pressing TAB / Shift+TAB) this all happens in open configuration. Also it gets even more mixed now when people being creative and wants to make more and more complexive layouts ( I belong one of these )
Now here is plausible solution:
How about possibly making a recording a path while driving by pressing hotkey, and the circle of driver is following on middle and recording a path while driving. This gets saved automatically when lap is done and in Shift+U mode, you could save most recent path and add it to the layout. This works similarly like watching movies and adding subs.
What it would have in options:
Hotkey(s): Very simple, press button and recording happens, and it can be ended when lap is finished. Or pressing a button if not wanting to make a new one, the most recent will be stored on memory
Choosing a path on layout: Like loading layout button, and there comes a list, an extra button for "load path" and choosing a correct one in the list.
Saving method: Once it is done. Shift+U and give a name for path, or simply done with hotkey and giving a name.
Options: Radius of the circle in horizontally and vertically. the size of radius can be also changed with hotkeys ( if enough hotkeys )
Everyone can make it done in single player and administrators in multiplayer. Everyone can record a path though. The thing is that it isn't needed to make more than once, unless done incorrectly.
It could be loaded same way in command than loading "/autox" command, like "/autoxpath" or something like that.
Radius of recording path: For example, 16 meters in horizontally ( so 8 meters from you to the border ) and 2 meter vertically ( 1m from your car to border )
It could be recorded in parts, like from Start to 1st checkpoint, 1st to 2nd, or whole lap. The thing is you need only drive center of the track as much as possible.
And so on... It is like doing a hotlap and saving a replay, similar method in this as well.
I repeat: No idea does it work this way, as how hard this would need to code/recode or any, but tracks with open configuration and realtime racer pos check could make things a lot easier, and more enjoyable.
EDIT: About options: Showing like a purple ( or any color ) circles around while driving to make easier to indicate it's where it reaches.
EDIT2: I was thinking more of this and I say it would be bad to make in multiplayer, as if you get disconnected or timed out
If this is confirmed not possible to do like this at the moment / near future / at all, please lock thread and make this to the oblivion