Autocross layouts database
(98 posts, started )
I think it is a great idea that you have made 1 giant home for all the layouts, and I give you credit for all your hard work and effort put into tis post theres your positive feedback :jester:
Hahhaha. Thanks.
Well, this is much more developed from when I saw it a while ago. Very good job and well needed
Forgot to tell yesterday - updated.
Ooh, nice, didn't see this until now. Good work.
I only see 1 of my 3 publically available layouts though.

(in your defence I don't think they all have their own thread).
Quote from Bob Smith :Ooh, nice, didn't see this until now. Good work.
I only see 1 of my 3 publically available layouts though.

(in your defence I don't think they all have their own thread).

Hehe, the only one was put in the database on yesterday update . Your other layouts will be avalaible in a moment.

EDIT: I didn't find any of your layouts... except that hidden kart track. I found 4 posts from you : Unleashing the hidden kart track from LFS, Tricky UF1 autocross layout (Comment), Fern Bay Rallye Stage (Comment about the update) and New layout - Rye House Kart Circuit, Hoddesdon, UK (Still no news?)
Lible check your pm's
i dont see any om my layouts here
I can see one. I haven't updated this one tough.
Database updated
Better find your flamesuit, boy.
#37 - Jakg
Quote from happykilmore :whatever... i didn't crack the game... says right on the main screen... "S2 license: THOR" so there's my proof.

did you pay for the game? doesnt matter if it says your S67 licensed
#38 - Jakg
Quote from happykilmore :My friend paid for the game and he unlocked it for me...

oh, your friend called thor did... wait a sec, how come he's never driven online?
Quote from :
3. Unlock Rules and Regulations3.1You may install S1 or S2 on 2 computers for your own use or to race a friend on a Local Network.
3.4You must not give your username, WEB or GAME password to other LFS users.

If its true, what you did, its not really allowed, too.
#40 - Jakg
Quote from happykilmore :believe whatever you want, but if you want to be an ****, then be an ****... here have a screenshot as a parting gift...

yes, hes an **** because he pointed out you were commiting piracy illepall

EDIT - no, but he unlocked it, braking the terms above
gee THOR appears to be a demo user too.

Scream and shout all you want - you can do it in your own home, not here.
I'm not sure where to ask this so here it goes:
There was an event I don't know the name of (EDIT: OLFSL I think) recently with LX4s on the dragstrip and I think Fireball(with a 1337ish spelling) was the commentator. You could stream watch it at
I would like to ask if that layout is public or not and if yes, where to get it

Edit: Found it. Anyone who is also interested:
And sorry for the unnecessary post
when you say you can stream watch it what do you mean, you can watch LFS on the internet?
#44 - Jakg
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :when you say you can stream watch it what do you mean, you can watch LFS on the internet?

they did i service where you could watch the race over the internet, however as you said stream then it is different to... downloading the file firts
Haven't update this for a while... preparing for school.

Anybody can update this, just get the soure from my post (quote), update it with newest layouts and send it to my. You will get credit.

Same goes to LFS-Database. Help me!
I can update the Layouts section on the LFS-Database while you are busy.
Today I at last finished some work I had to do for my teacher's computersystem... some folks think I know alot about computers... oh well.
Added Bob Smith's two new layouts from The Floating Widget. Please tell me, if you have any public layouts not posted here.

Autocross layouts database
(98 posts, started )