The online racing simulator
LFS SUMO Project Reanimation
(47 posts, started )
LFS SUMO Project Reanimation

Do you guys remember a host where a buch of lowered uf1s was fighting on the arena which were getting smaller and smaller to finally hold only 2 cars in final fight? There was a top rank and everyone scores when sent someone behind the edge. The last patches brought me back to LFS Sumo idea which could work better now and would be easier to bring it back alive.

I've never been an Insim guy and thats why I'm writing this post. I need help.

With the new objects implemented the whole arena can be in the air now so people can throw the others down to make a score. That would work better as the previous edge was buggy when someone had lags. We only need a Insim program which will score a guy who sent someone down based on last contact, some top-players rank and countdown system with auto-restart. That's all.

Do we have here anyone ready to help even for some small amount of money? I'm really pumped up for that project.

Sounds pretty straightforward and fun to make! How exactly would you score people?
Well, in previous version there was a system which scored a player when he kicked some one behind the edge of the arena. Insim was loading smaller and smaller layout every few minutes to force 1vs1 final. Then there was a top sumo players rank based on the points. Simple and fun system. Should be for example 50 points/kill on the big layout, 75 on smaller and 100 on the smallest one I think. Winning the whole round would add extra 200 point for example.
Do you need layouts? I have done ready them, because something similar I have planned as well, however it works manually. Also instead of circles, they are squares, but I am sure it can be done with a circle as well.

So no insim, but layouts

The best thing what to ever have is to count total knockouts! or overall stats, or anything about stats. It was the vital thing!
Yea, layouts would be helpful also. Well there was a working Sumo server few years ago but sadly I dont know who owned it... Maybe I could buy it back then.
If I can find some free time I could do the programming. But I'm not sure how the Insim should know when a player is out of the arena (maybe check the Y (height) value of the player, and see who lost rammed the player).

Do you have an idea how this was previously done?
I'll try to describe it fast and simple. Smile

There was a circle-shaped layout on Autocross Skid with restricted area behind the edge of the arena. Crossing the red line was enough to move players to spectate mode so they couldn't join until the next fight. The insim was loading next circle layout with smaller diameter every 2 minutes. Everyone who didn't fit in the smaller circle in time gone to spectate. 4th lyt could hold only 2 cars and that was the final fight.

Insim was reading last contact somehow so you could earn points for knocking someone out and that was the biggest fun - top100 players ranking which was available online also.

I know it's not so simple but compared to some cruise servers... I'm not a programmer but I can help with anything I can including layouts, 32slot stable server and www with ranking.
I remember:

[noobs] Sumo! Smile

It had 3 layer of layouts in AU2 ( Skidpad ), while exact time was depleted, the layout did change to smaller, and this was repeat till there were more than 1 "sumoer" in pad, a sudden death will come after normal knockouting and closest one in time wins.

It was all about knockouts and wins, people wanted to see those stats. Also 16 sumoers were possible to have in same time, while now it would be done with 40! It definitely needs bigger lyt, so if somehow is able to get circleshaped slabs, that would be awesome Smile

Yeah, I have Square ones, but as now I see there is interest, I will redo them again some point. Smooth layout is beautiful, but also painful for lags, bugs, or glitches Smile
Starting to get it now. I think I'm going to do some research and testing a few things regarding the insim. Smile
That's awesome and finally! A request that is more than "I want this! GIVE ME NOW!" This is how you ask for an InSim application people. Know what you want, ask for exactly what you want, and maybe, just maybe you'll get it.
Quote from Bose321 :But I'm not sure how the Insim should know when a player is out of the arena (maybe check the Y (height) value of the player, and see who lost rammed the player).

I think there are three ways:
a) IS_MCI to get car coordinates, see if coordinates are still in arena. (easy if it is a circle)
Maybe cleanest, but one needs to get the coordinates of the arena.

b) Surround the arena with pylones -> If an object is hit by player then he was outside.
This one is nice, because if one wants to use a different layout then no changes to the Insim are nessecary. Want a square arena instead of circle? Just build a square box with pylones. Want a triangle? Just build a triangle.

Also a way that (I think) works without Insim:
(but no shrinking arena and no scoring...)
c) Surround the arena with forbidden-zone-markers. In multiplayer entering them causes instant spec.
(Previously this was not possible because the cars needed a way to get into the arena. But now one can just place custom grid spots.)
The start-pit-box is inside a forbidden-zone. So if someone tries to join while the fight ("race") is in progress he would spawn there and instantly be spectated.

Zones could be placed better, just quickly done.
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Attached files
AU2_InsimlessSumo.lyt - 372 B - 335 views
I think option b sounds like an easy and somewhat clean way, although maybe not with pylons. Maybe something like speedbumps (big, but can still be used to create a circle I think?) are a better option. As soon as you touch the object the insim will spectate you and prevent you from joining again.

Option a sounds like the cleanest way, but that indeed needs some labour everytime because you need to know the coordinates. That's not really easy when you keep making different layouts for example.

Option c would maybe be the easiest. Can you detect via Insim if someone drove into a forbidden zone? That way you can just mark them as 'out' and prevent them from joining again.

I also think you can take away all cars from a player so you can't join again, right?
I am not 100% sure if static objects like speedbumps trigger the IS_OBH (object hit) message.
(but I think yes)
Cars might also get thrown over objects. Especially speedbumps might be easy to jump over?
But one could have restricted-zones or more objects as extra backup check.

Quote :Can you detect via Insim if someone drove into a forbidden zone?

insim.h says:
Quote :// On false start or wrong route / restricted area, an IS_PEN packet is sent :
// False start : OldPen = 0 / NewPen = PENALTY_30 / Reason = PENR_FALSE_START
// Wrong route : OldPen = 0 / NewPen = PENALTY_45 / Reason = PENR_WRONG_WAY

But I found in multiplayer there are no penalities: driver gets automatically & instantly spectated, if entering restricted area.
(Should you know if it is possible to change that please reply here: Smile )

Ultimately that might not matter so much, one can just mark all players as 'out' when they become spectators.
Yeah, you can indeed jump over a speedbump easily, that's something to keep in mind (the same goes for all objects in theory).

I'll do some testing when I get home regarding the forbidden zones. But like you said, when someone spectates (whether they're rammed out or not), they're out.
Two questions:

Do you plan the Sumo originally on AU2 (Skidpad) or will you use the custom arenas? Like in sky?

Which is better? Having objects as less as possible, to loadtime is quicker. Or having more objects, where it is smoother, and prevents less laghits of objects, but loadtime is slower?

Also, is it possible btw to reload a layout without deleting all objects first? I mean once layout is getting changed, the objects first gets deleted, and new ones will appear. Would be better to only add/remove certain objects, without cleaning area first
Well guys I bet option C is the best and worked on previous one. As I said in previous post there was a restricted-area circles all around the arena edge so the knocked out players was going to spec instantly. There was a simple circle marked with cones and walls on about 1m bigger diameter. Going behind the cones edge was enough to be send spectate.

I' not sure but maybe, just maybe, when the start countdown was over and the layout reloaded to a closed circle from the open one (which was for entering it obviously) the insim was switching from practice to race. Then you can just simply uncheck "allow people to join mid-race" option in the server settings. When the fight was over we had a restart.

If that's true we dont need insim to block people from joining back and to send people to spectate after going behind the edge. We just need it to read the last contact value (I hope there's something like that) so people can earn points for knocking out the others.

Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Two questions:

Do you plan the Sumo originally on AU2 (Skidpad) or will you use the custom arenas? Like in sky?

Which is better? Having objects as less as possible, to loadtime is quicker. Or having more objects, where it is smoother, and prevents less laghits of objects, but loadtime is slower?

I plan the sumo originally on Skidpad. Custom arenas in the air are cool but the reloand to smaller ones is impossible. Its easy to make it smooth and pretty optimised.

Quote from UnknownMaster21 :
Also, is it possible btw to reload a layout without deleting all objects first? I mean once layout is getting changed, the objects first gets deleted, and new ones will appear. Would be better to only add/remove certain objects, without cleaning area first

It's not possible to reload without deleting all objects but it was really fast on previous sumo. When the layout was switching you had about 2 seconds to go in the smaller circle to stay alive.

I'll make some test layout guys so you can see how it will look like.
Good to know, but is it possible, well, I put an example like this:

As you know, in Shift-U mode, you can add/remove objects easily without disturbing any other objects. As if only need to have REMOVE pattern, and with 30 objects as max selected, is it possible to do like this way? in theoritically? Because I know that needs alot of code, if it is even possible to do. No idea.

Also you can edit their size, place, colour, etc etc

EDIT: BTW, it was even faster than 2 seconds change, Wink

EDIT: I was planning the layout thing on somewhere near of multiplayer borders, where you get "took the wrong route" if you fall off from the platform, or something like that, getting instaspec and so on. The problem is how fast the layout will change. Have to test it somepoint
I've started a new InSim from scratch based on Insim.NET, and I'm testing some things out.

Would it be possible to have a dedicated server that I can connect the InSim to and test out the basic features? You can PM me with the details if you can set something up. Smile
Sure! The server is currently up. It's a Server with 48slots.

Your profile here is not avaiable for me somehow. Please contact me here or on skype (blackfinch.films) so I can share with you any details needed!
I tried to also join, but server is passworded :P
We made some progress actually. Yesterday we had a online conversation with Bose and figured out how to manage all of this so now it's all in Bose's hands. The layout is almost done.
Attached images
Quote from BlueWind :We made some progress actually. Yesterday we had a online conversation with Bose and figured out how to manage all of this so now it's all in Bose's hands. The layout is almost done.

Wow, that's an interesting way to handle that. Love the idea!
Quote from BlueWind :We made some progress actually. Yesterday we had a online conversation with Bose and figured out how to manage all of this so now it's all in Bose's hands. The layout is almost done.

Looks good!
well, the open betatesting has started. Everyone who want to test it just go to •candy SUMO SERVER and have fun!

Fun fun fun fun

- Rebecca Black

EDIT: Sorry spamming, but let's give a try for it! ( Yes, begging because absolutely )

LFS SUMO Project Reanimation
(47 posts, started )