The online racing simulator
TiC MayDay MayHem 2015
For those,who have crashing others as their hobby,anger managment or maybe only skill,we have good news:
You don't have to wait a whole year between This is Crasmaaas !!! events,because there is

the 1st May derby event 2015
Friday, 1st May, 17:00 UTC / 19:00 CET / 20:00 EET

Race [un]Green Events presents: for the third year there is a gapfiller between annual This is Crashmaaas !!! - another chance to get physical on your best friends or worst foes from racetrack! As usually,the MM will go with different track and different car - this year we will stay for same class as last year,but now we will use the RWD car of it - the 247HP XR GT Turbo. The quite powerful and tailhappy car alone is challenging,but with few angry opponents it will be pretty easy to end up in a wall or wheels facing sun!
This event just like it's original will also have only few basic rules regarding behaviour on track,otherwise - feel free to impress your opponents physically,divebombing and P.I.T. maneuvers more than welcome! Event will consist from different parts - qualifying,where each driver just sets his laptimes to decide starting places,heats,where the fight starts to get physical for the chance for final,the final,where best will be decided and a bonus run,where everyone will get a final chance to let out rage on masses!

The event starts 17:00 UTC / 19:00 CET / 20:00 EET with hotlap qualifying,everyone who wants to take part,should be in server before the start of it,but arrival deadline is 20 minutes after start of qualifying (it's the minimum lenght of it),everyone who comes later will be able just to watch and take part only in bonus run - noone without qualifying will be allowed to take part in main event.

As I have already promised - the next MayDay will be held on new version of Westhill - after some searching,I settled for this area as it offers few challenging turns,tricky elevation and enough place for 40 cars grid in pretty compact area.

Click for bigger image / Layout attached

Now some information about the parts of this event:


The hotlap qualifying will be used here. Every driver will have 1 outlap and 2 timed hotlaps laps,the best lap counts as per standart LFS qualifying. The order will be decided by connection list - from top to bottom. Each driver will receive 2 simple commands from race administration:
[drivername] - join - driver joins and stops his car right before entry of track (right before the white line)
[drivername] - go! - driver enters the track for his qualifying run
Everyone else is expected to stay in spectators until called for his run!
Qualifying will determine starting order for most of runs!

Heats will be 7 laps long and will be used to determine drivers eligible for the final. From qualifying results (1st in heat 1,2nd - heat 2,3rd - heat 3,4th - heat 3,5th - heat 2,6th - heat 1,7th - heat 1,etc) all will be divided into 3 heats. Best 2 from each heat qualifies for final,the rest will run in 4 laps long last chance run for remaining 4 postions in final.

The final:
The final is the run where the event official winner will be decided - it will be 15 laps long and only best 10 drivers through qualifying and heats will be able to fight for bragging rights! The starting order will be decided partially from heats and qualifying - all 3 heat winners will start from top 3 places,order for that will be determined by qualifying results,all 3 heat 2nd place finishers will take 4th-6th places on start with same ordering,last chance run qualifyers will be ordered just by qualifying results.

The Bonus run:
It's the ultimate carnage - everyone in server will be able to take part in this 20 lap run,the best part - starting order will be random,so you can only blame LFS randomizer for a bad starting position,allthough a bad starting position is such a relative term in this kind of events. Of course we have the tradition to make some alterations of track in bonus run,so stay sharp and don't get caught out by surprizes! Few tips on layout changes - ramps,bit more grass usage.

Even this is a almost rule-free event on track while racing,the eventformat asks some tough admining,so everyone is expected to behave inserver and follow admin's instuctions and these guide lines:

Starting of a run:

Thanks to new LFS custom grid possibilities,the old gridding system is ditched and the previously used insim app is obsolete. This means also that drivers will be ordered simply by their results on grid without chance to pick side - 1st on left side (inside),2nd on middle,3rd on right side and so on for each row.
In case someone made a jumpstart,he must let all other running cars by at some point during first lap to have penalty cleared,if not - 15s time penalty will be added to his finish result. Reminder that very early jumpstart will cause autospectate and the run for this driver is over.
With other words - don't be a chicken,wait for green and fight like a man!

Racing rules:
Everyone is expected to follow clean racing rules... U wat m8? Clean racing in MayHam? Rrrrrrrrright...
There are only these basic rules:
1. No wrong way driving - only right direction on track (refer to image/grid direction)! Incase you get spun heading wrong way,driver is expected to turn his car to right direction on full steering lock or reverse and make the J-turn.
2. No standing on track or specific significant slowing down (waiting for others) - exept the car is in undrivable condition/position,in that case feel free to leave your car as an extra obstacle for others and hope for someone's help.
3. No rejoining - if the car is out of track or undrivable,leave it there or join spectators.
4. No disturbing on non-finished drivers after finishing himself.
5. Have fun! (also a mandatory rule :P)

Server behaviour rules:
  • follow the instructions of admins
  • no spamming in chat
  • no insulting others in any way (other than crashing them while in a official run)
  • join only when allowed
  • no voting for restart/end/qualification
Event server:
> > > MayDay MayHem pass=MayTheHemBwithU - ONLINE

The event will not require any sign-ups,but everyone joining server willbe expected to have red the rules and information about event format above and follow them!
Feel free to post your interest to take part in this so everyone will know how many drivers expected!

See you on track and have fun!
Attached files
WE1X_MayDay MayHem 2015.lyt - 1.6 KB - 800 views
Looks great, but... here in the United States we do not observe May Day (actually, few here know is exists)

Cannot attend Frown
Yeah, Noon for me on a Friday... Oh geez bro. Idk, but why not try. Wink
Server is now online and will be not passworded until friday afternoon.
Click to join
Server is now password protected,you can find all info in main post!
Actually results are ready for a while,I just haven't found time to make the graphical results I usually did and event summary...
> Official results <
This thread is closed