The online racing simulator
Can anyone remember this layout?
(6 posts, started )
#1 - ukiqi
Can anyone remember this layout?
Hi, im looking for a very very old very popular autox layout and i just cannot find it? Where is the best place to find a huge pack of layouts? Maybe its in there?

Or can someone please upload their layout folder here? Ill look through it. If you drifted like 2-3-4 yrs ago im sure youd have it.


Ive uploaded a PIC to what it KINDA looks like maybe someone can remember
Attached images
Here is 121 AU1_layouts...
A couple of these are a few yrs old.

knock yourself out :-)
Attached files
layout.rar - 5.5 MB - 376 views
#3 - ukiqi
Hey thanks but you dont have it. went through all your layouts... Frown
I have this one which look like but I don't know who is the creator
Attached files
AU1_large drift cool.lyt - 5.5 KB - 389 views
#5 - ukiqi
Yes thats it.. Thank you so much mate... Its been sooo long that ive been looking for it
Noproblem Wink

Can anyone remember this layout?
(6 posts, started )