Going to something complete different.
Is it may be possible to get a gate in editor
similar to those at start / finish lines with green lights on one side and red ones on
the other ? If they can be passed only from green side it would be very helpful to stop
people going wrong way. This could be helpful not only on cruise servers but direct traffic
on custom tracks for races as well. Adjustable height and width so it can be placed in a size
that fits in the layout at any place. Great work so far,
keep going. Greets P V L

similar to those at start / finish lines with green lights on one side and red ones on
the other ? If they can be passed only from green side it would be very helpful to stop
people going wrong way. This could be helpful not only on cruise servers but direct traffic
on custom tracks for races as well. Adjustable height and width so it can be placed in a size
that fits in the layout at any place. Great work so far,