New car features with update.. unwanted..
Hey, since i updated i noticed the cars can stall if left in gear and gears can't be changed with out clutch etc. Can this be turned off?
#2 - Bean0
Sounds like your auto clutch setting has reset itself to off.
Turn it back on Smile
#3 - Sobis
Aww god I thought there's a new official topic about an update or it's a progress report ... got so excited! Big grin
And yeah, turn on auto clutch if you want to drive like that.
#5 - Ped7g
BTW, the stall/no shift is there like.. long... I'm sure the last major update to clutch simulation was during F BMW release, after Scawen learned they are shifting without clutch. And I think this update didn't introduce those things, just refined them.