The online racing simulator
The file you uploaded is the general Lapper logfile.
Somewhere there must be another "logs" folder, which will contain a file with the name ending on ERR.log
Can you please upload that?
This is not good:

9/7/2015 2:45:30 PM -> Syntax error in cfg file "./gui_admin_membership.lpr" at line #194
Wrong NULL index in an array...
Function 'onconnect' script aborted

It means that the onconnect event isn't working at all.
Can you upload your addonsused.lpr and your main LPR script?
In order to be able to do so:

-make a copy of both of those file to your desktop
-rename lpr to txt
-upload both files to this forum
Open gui_admin_membership.lpr

Find the line:
Event OnConnect( $userName )# Player event
and change it to:
CatchEvent OnConnect( $userName )# Player event

Also EndEvent to EndCatchEvent

I think that should fix your errors. I havent test it yet.
The problem continue ...

As I was running on 6 servers
The problem is fixed.
The steps are as follows:


You could set up registration window in the server?
So that the user name and password to log in to the server is different from the name of the license

Example: Event: onConnect
Show logged-on user name and password window, and it verifies the user name and password in's Register.txt file

if there was the difference in one of the two options are kicked from the server
I made something long long time ago.
I guess this is what you want??
Attached images
Quote from 5Loody-g27 :You could set up registration window in the server?
So that the user name and password to log in to the server is different from the name of the license

Example: Event: onConnect
Show logged-on user name and password window, and it verifies the user name and password in's Register.txt file

if there was the difference in one of the two options are kicked from the server

Just like Bass-Driver, I made a registration system as well (after someone asked for it on this forum).
Not trying to steal the spotlight from Bass-Driver (great to see that you are helping people with Lapper as well), but here's what I made:
In any path to save your UserName and password?
Quote from 5Loody-g27 :In any path to save your UserName and password?

With my system, the details are saved in the Lapper database.
So no need to set a path to a file.
I want the amendment to the accounts , the account manually add and delete account
Quote from 5Loody-g27 :I want the amendment to the accounts , the account manually add and delete account

That wouldn't be possible with Lapper.
You can compare data written in text files, or you can add and change things in the Lapper database, but you can't take data out of it.
Is there a way to control the existing accounts and delete them?
Quote from 5Loody-g27 :Is there a way to control the existing accounts and delete them?

There are some ways to retrieve and change the stored data, but there is no way to delete any stored data.
How can it?
Quote from 5Loody-g27 :How can it?

Have a look at the registration system I posted earlier in this thread.
All the code to store/retrieve/change data, is in there.
if click button "Login" send account name in the chat .
Quote from 5Loody-g27 :if click button "Login" send account name in the chat .

You could have easily made that your self, since it only requires you to add one line to the script.
This time I did it for you, but it will be the last time I helped now.
Coding is something people should do themselfs and if you get really stuck (which isn't the same as copy/paste the code from someone else, fire it up and then start screaming what's wrong and/or what you want it to do), then present the code you made so far and describe the problem (and all you tried in order to solve it) as detailed as possible.

Registration & Login system V1.03 - 13-09-2015 - Added message in chat, when someone logs in
Attached files
reg_system.txt - 10.9 KB - 167 views
Thank you dear Smile
GlobalMsg ("^7".$userName."^7 has logged into the server");

Not license the name, registered in the window registration User Name
Quote from 5Loody-g27 :GlobalMsg ("^7".$userName."^7 has logged into the server");

Not license the name, registered in the window registration User Name

And what have you tried to accomplish what you want?
Again, this isn't rocket science to get it done.
In fact, the answer is in the same part of the code as where that GlobalMsg is found.
Good luck finding the answer Wink
I can not find the answer, do you think it escapes me? xD
Is it possible that my service is simple.
I want to be displayed when you enter log on only window
and window register account to be her special administrator is dedicated to open it if send command "!register"

I tried a lot done that, and I could not
Quote from 5Loody-g27 :Is it possible that my service is simple.
I want to be displayed when you enter log on only window
and window register account to be her special administrator is dedicated to open it if send command "!register"

I tried a lot done that, and I could not

It's possible to assign the register window to admins only.
You need to add a check if someone is in the admingroup, when the !register command is executed.
Again, not really hard to accomplish if you know the basics of coding in the Lapper environment.