The online racing simulator
I do not want to show to all the group.
Quote from 5Loody-g27 :I do not want to show to all the group.

If you don't want all admins to be able to use !register, you could create a seperate file and add names of people who will be authorised to use the command, to that file.
Then add a command to load that file and check wether someones name is in it or not.
Can you edit the file me please? This is another request then it closes the subject.
Quote from 5Loody-g27 :Can you edit the file me please? This is another request then it closes the subject.

Sure I could do that, but you won't learn anything from it.
Appearantly, you don't want to learn how to code in Lapper, but want someone else to code for you.
Then your initial question wasn't right and besides that, you can't expect people to work for you for free.
I took the time to give you answers, coded things for you and still the questions and requests keep coming.
That doesn't feel good at all and happens too many times here.
I spent 3 hours yesterday evening on re-writing the registration system.
I've added a configuration module to be able to tweak a couple of settings and changed most of the script to coop with the new added settings.
After some testing, I think it's nearly ready to be released, which will happen tonight or tomorrow evening.
Thank you very much, I do not know how to give something back to you
As promised, I am releasing registration system version 1.04
With the following changes:
  • Changed show "registered name" on logon, instead of "LFS username"
  • Added configuration screen to:
    • Set Teamname
    • Set who is allowed to register accounts
    • Set if message is shown when someone logs in
  • Excluded admins from the need to login
  • Added option so that admins can create an account for users
The configuration screen can be opened by admins using: !confreg
The registration screen can be opened by admins using: !register

Download the file, rename it to 'reg_system.lpr' and place it in the 'includes' directory of you Lapper directory.
Also make sure to add the following line to section 'General includes' of file 'addonsused.lpr' which can also be found in the 'includes' directory:

include( "./reg_system.lpr");

The script is tested as good as possible, but there could be one or two bugs.
Please notify me if you ran into a bug and I will try to fix it as soon as possible.
Although I am not looking for any more features to add to this script, I am willing to consider any wanted features.
Attached images
Attached files
reg_system.txt - 21.3 KB - 222 views
Nice uptodate Register/Login systemThumbs up

I might found a bug looking at your code:

UserGroupFromFile( "admin", "./../AB-configs/admin.txt" );

must be ???

UserGroupFromFile( "admin", "./admin.txt" );

Or the user need to create a folder with the name "AB-configs"
Maybe a filecheck ( if the file exist) might be handy.
At least it should be:

UserGroupFromFile( "admin", "./../admin.txt" );

./ to indicate a file will be loaded
../ to go one folder up from the 'includes' directory
Thank you very much, has been recording and experience
9/23/2015 2:19:52 AM -> Syntax error in cfg file: Number of function argument not matche at line #528 in function 'onconnect' script aborted
9/23/2015 2:08:15 AM -> Syntax error in cfg file "LFSLapper.lpr" at line #559
Command 'openPrivButton' incorrect number of parameter
Function 'onnewplayerjoin' script aborted
9/23/2015 2:08:16 AM -> Syntax error in cfg file "LFSLapper.lpr" at line #636
Token not catched
Function 'onconnectwns2' script aborted
9/23/2015 2:11:25 AM -> Can't open group file : ./default/./Text_Files/admin2.txt
9/23/2015 2:11:27 AM -> Can't open group file : ./default/./Text_Files/admin1.txt

what is problem
The error in line 528 probably has to do with a sub-routine being called without the right number arguments like $KeyFlags or $KeyFlags,$id
It's happening in the onconnect event.

The error in line 559 has to to with a button that is opened in the onnewplayerjoin event, but hasn't got all the needed parameters (like witdht, height, length ect.)

The error in line 636 isn't specific enough to determine here without seeing the code, but is happening in the onconnectwns2 event.

The final two warnings are telling you that files admin2.txt and admin1.txt can't be found on the specified location.
If memory serves me right, they are used in one of the CIF modules build by Kravy.
The message actualy is a bug within Lapper, where an incorrect value is crashing the application, while that should be handled properly.
It has to do with handling arrays or a value which isn't converted to the proper data-type.
Such errors have taken me a long time to figure out, but it's doable.
Can you fix it?
Because they actually cause errors in the program is running correctly
Quote from 5Loody-g27 :Can you fix it?
Because they actually cause errors in the program is running correctly

I think I can.
Will send you a private message on this forum, telling you my email address, so you can mail your whole Lapper directory to me.