The online racing simulator
#1 - xpapa
unlock under cedega/linux is not working ! :(
LFS S2 run perfect on cedega 4.4.1 , only i can't unlook the lizence under windows is them working i like play under linux ( i have pay only why the demo good run on cedega/linux!) pls help to unlook !

greets Michel
i have unlocked lfs under wine, a version from july '05 i think...
lfs does not run smooth, but i have the full s2-content
Always those masochists trying to play under Linux
#4 - xpapa
i have now unlook my s2 licence with use wine-20050830. (ln -sf transgaming/lfs .wine/drive_c/lfs). Oki the licence works on wine ... NOT on cedega
My problems on wine-20050830 is now :
* lfs runs with 3-9 fps
* joypad is not working
good on wine:
* unlook the licence

My problem on cedega 4.4.1 is:
* no unlook
good on cedega:
* joypad is great runing and fps with all details is 50+ !!
There is a version of wine, from CVS a few months back, which I was running which I had very few problems with on my system - unfortunately said machine got wiped, and I've started having the same results as everyone else
But what does "no unlock" mean?

At exactly which point in the unlocking process does it go wrong?
#7 - xpapa
i give my account and after klick on unlook the game calls to internet (the counter on my profil see the test not, now one unlook free (one unlook under winxp and one under wine) - 10 tests on cedega wars not loged). after little time comes a error (ingame unlookerror). I think the game can't call the reg-site on cedega. multiplayer is working !
try unlocking it in wine and make sure wine and cedega are configured to report the same version of windows
Quote from xpapa :after little time comes a error (ingame unlookerror).

What is the exact text of this error?

Please select English in Game Options, then tell me the exact English text of this error.
After very small time call lfs "Unlocking Error" and not more

I don't think i can really help. Cedega must be doing something odd that makes some of the checks fail.

All i can say is, either try what Dumass said, or try to somehow figure out how to make Wine work at a good frame rate.

I don't have a clue about Linux, but i seem to remember someone writing a guide about using Wine and LFS - maybe it was at RSC.
well, at least you HAVE a windows, i just have paid the money for lfs but can't play it at all, as i dont have windows and will not get one just for lfs, thats for sure

Quote from xpapa :
My problems on wine-20050830 is now :
* lfs runs with 3-9 fps
* joypad is not working
good on wine:
* unlook the licence

well, i have the same unlocking problems with cedega and the same joypad (wheel) problems with wine.

what works fine with me is the fps on wine. as we both have the same wine version, and i have a pretty slow nvidia card, i guess the problem could be either the display depth (i run it on 16 bit depth), or the sound. wine is pretty picky about the sound device, although it supports a lot, only one works fine for me: OSS with software direct access mode emulation.

maybe this helps with the wine fps
try contacting the makers of cedega for some support, its most likely a bug
haha, asking transgaming for support.... you're a funny guy
well if you bought cedega then support is free otherwise im pretty sure this forum doesnt support warez
i bought cedega, i bought it just because of one reason: richard burns rally was reported to run... well, now neither burns rally, nor lfs run, don't expect help from anybody, neither transgaming, nor the userbase, i tried
Well, maybe windows isn't that bad at all...
yeah, you're right, windows ocassionally can run software that is written for it. not bad at all
Quote from dUmAsS :well if you bought cedega then support is free otherwise im pretty sure this forum doesnt support warez

cvs login
cvs -z3 co winex

and the cedega is free with not support and is not warez !
thats just winex, i thought cedega had extra things for it for wich you have to subscribe to, or im wrong and you only pay for the support
You pay mostly to get Point2Play, which is their pretty interface to configure, start games, and updates Cedega/WineX very easily. Then you get support, and some votes to determine what are the next supported games.

If I remember correctly, in S1, the problem was a few missing registry keys in the Cedega registry. IIRC, the solution was to import the Wine registry into the Cedega registry, or something of the sort. I believe it causes problems with S2 though if you bring the whole registry, but might be worth a try. Some trial and error might help in determining exactly which sections of the Wine registry you would need.
Quote from Silkswift :You pay mostly to get Point2Play, which is their pretty interface to configure, start games, and updates Cedega/WineX very easily. Then you get support, and some votes to determine what are the next supported games.

thanks for clearing that up
well, winex, the thing you can check out via cvs for free, is cedega without the 'look-we-can-even-play-games-with-copy-protection-and-thats-what-you-have-to-pay-for' part


eeeeek, just tried the actual cvs version of wine, and it shows the axis of the wheel, they still dont work, but at least it detects em, so it looks that we are making big steps onwards a playable LFS on linux, i am looking forward to it
#24 - Woz
Its funny people trying to find someone to support trying to run a game that is tightly coupled with on OS on another OS and then wonder why it does not work and that the OS and game vendors are not willing to support them.
just to make one thing clear: nobody blames the lfs programmers for that!

it's just a bad situation, that the demo works fine, and if you come to unlocking it, it failes to run, which ofcourse you didn't know at the time you were paying for the key. everyone is aware that this is not the fault of the lfs programmers

the bad support was concerned to cedega. transgaming, the makers of cedega, tell you get free support if you buy cedega, but infact they let the userbase give support. the bad thing there is, that from users that play blockbuster windows games on linux (which is what you need cedega for, older games usually run on wine), you can expect the same as from users that play blockbuster windows games on windows: a pretty low technical knowledge

although i must say, if the lfs programmers just (like others) wrote a registry entry, or patched a binary ala 'now i am unlocked' that problems would not exists, but well, it's the windows world, as a programmer you have to take any step to secure your work, cause it will get pirate copied by all that kiddies out there otherwise.