Hello Everyone,
I like to release a new version of this SoccerAddon for LFSlapper.
#HOW TO INSTALL THE ADDON (More infomation in the Readme.txt file)
-Be Sure you have the latest version of LFSLapper: https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/58433-Release.
-Copy and Paste the 'soccer' folder into the Includes Folder. (LFSLapper folder\bin\default\includes)
-Open the "addonsused.LPR" file (LFSLapper folder\bin\default\includes\addonsused.LPR) and add the following lines:
include( "./Soccer/AdminMenu.lpr");
include( "./Soccer/Global.lpr");
include( "./Soccer/PlayerList.lpr");
include( "./Soccer/SetDetection.lpr");
include( "./Soccer/VoteSystem.lpr");
To (De)Activate the Socceraddon ingame: Type !socceron/!socceroff
Restart the race or type !startsoccer to start a game.
Have Fun.
To use this version you must have/download LFSLapper version or higher
I like to release a new version of this SoccerAddon for LFSlapper.
#HOW TO INSTALL THE ADDON (More infomation in the Readme.txt file)
-Be Sure you have the latest version of LFSLapper: https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/58433-Release.
-Copy and Paste the 'soccer' folder into the Includes Folder. (LFSLapper folder\bin\default\includes)
-Open the "addonsused.LPR" file (LFSLapper folder\bin\default\includes\addonsused.LPR) and add the following lines:
include( "./Soccer/AdminMenu.lpr");
include( "./Soccer/Global.lpr");
include( "./Soccer/PlayerList.lpr");
include( "./Soccer/SetDetection.lpr");
include( "./Soccer/VoteSystem.lpr");
To (De)Activate the Socceraddon ingame: Type !socceron/!socceroff
Restart the race or type !startsoccer to start a game.
Have Fun.
- New Hitball Detection system: Uses the Carcontact insimpacket instead of my own hitballdetection system
CatchEvent OnCarContact($PlayerA,$PlayerB,$PlayerA_Speed,$PlayerB_Speed,$PlayerA_X,$PlayerB_X,$PlayerA_Y,$PlayerB_Y)
To use this script you must have/download LFSLapper version
- Automatically Spawn car(The Ball) to center when making a goal. (DONE)
Can be turned off/on in adminmenu (DONE)
- New commands to start/stop a game. (!startsoccer / !stopsoccer).(DONE)
- Small Bugfixes.
To use this version you must have/download LFSLapper version or higher
- -Goal/center coordinates doesnt work with the versions of LFSLapper lower than
- -Fix: Error while loading stored GoalCoordinates
- -Fix: Error while start Socceraddon with !socceron
- -Fix: Error when "The Ball" respawns to the center
- -Update: Disabled Next/Previous page button in Load GoalCoordinates
- -Fix: !socceroff , playerbuttons doesnt disappear
- -Fix: Error when entering the adminpanel.
- -Fix: Upper TeamName buttons didnt change after changing Teamname
- -Fix: Some commands could be executed by non-admins
- -Fix: SpawnToCenter command could be executed by guests
- -Fix: Could start a soccergame without a ball.
- -Fix: Could start a soccergame without any players in the teams.
- -Fix: Error while stopping the soccergame.
- -Fix: VoteWindow: Buttons with playernames didnt close.