Project: Cruise for Lapper (CfL)
For the last couple of weeks I am working on a project that I named: Cruise for Lapper (CfL)
The idea is to create a dynamic cruise system, so that users can set it up any way they want it.

I started by creating a system to define streets and to give them a maximum speed.
That worked very well on regular LFS tracks, but as soon as I started using them on open configs, the system wasn't working anymore.
So I contacted a very good friend of mine who also happens to be a professional developer.
He added an extra function to Lapper (I will release the new version once my project is finished) to enable me to define streets which can be as long as I want to and in any direction I want to.
The GUI to define streets, currently looks like this (of course it's WIP):

It's possible to give the street a name, a maximum speed, a width and you can define the start, end, and as many waypoints (although the GUI currently is limited to 8) as you want.
This could look like this:

After pressing "Store street" the street is saved into the memory of Lapper.
As soon as a player then enters a defined street, it will be shown on the HUD, along with the maximum speed:

If the maximum speed is violated, a message about that is displayed on the HUD and a timer is started.

During that timer a cop can choose to chase the offender in order to try and book him.
If a chase is started, the player who is being chased, will get to see flashing police light at the top of the HUD:

There are still loads of work to be done and I will update this thread, once there is more news.
Let me know what you think of the whole idea and which elements I should certainly include.
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wow Yisc[NL] , very nice project you have here. Those modules looks awesome and easy to use.

Keep up the good work.
Litle update on this project.
I've finished most of the chase and book code this evening.

There are two ways to start a chase:

1) you type: !chase [lfs username]
2) you type: !chasehud , followed by clicking the 'Chase' button behind the name of the person you want to chase

When you are chasing someone, the chase HUD will change and you can only end the current chase, before starting another one.

To end a chase you can again do two things:

1) you type: !endchase [lfs username]
2) in the chase HUD you click the 'End chase' button

If you are within 5 meters (code made by Bass-Driver, thanks for letting me use that piece of code) of the person you are chasing, you can type: !book
This will book the offender and cost him some money, or points, or what ever you like.
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Wow good job!
Here's another update on the project.
I didn't got as much done this weekend as I hoped for, but still made good progress.
While testing the software, I figured it would be nice to be able to define streets as a one way or a two way direction.
So I've added that into the module to define streets with.

Once that was done, I thought about a penalty for driving into a street from the wrong direction.
So that had to be added too and then things started to go from bad to worse.
This afternoon it nearly was too much to handle and I was this close to delete all the files from my computer and give up on the project (yeah yeah, I am hot headed from time to time).
After a break I saw the light and as often, a big re-write of the code, put back all things in place again.

While doing that I've also added a counter that registers how many violations a person has open at that time.
So while every violation makes the offender vulnerable to be chased and booked within 120 seconds (and each violation within that period, will add another 120 seconds to that counter), it would also make them a bigger fish to catch for the police.
The idea is that each violation will enable 1 cop to chase and try to book you.
So with 2 open violations and a maximum of 240 seconds on the clock, 2 cops and try to chase and book you.
With 3 open violations, 3 cops can chase you, and so on and so on.

The part about how many cops can chase you and how the booking should go (of course only 1 cop can be awarded 'the kill'), has still to be written and is next up my list.

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Wow! good job!
Is it possible Turkish ?
Good idea Yisc !
Any developments since the last post here?
No, that project is dead in the water.
rip Tongue
can you throw this file?
He's a member of Black-Garage, which is a cracked community.