The online racing simulator
Quote from misiek08 :Maybe you can do some refreshed Drag system? I'm working in spare time on PHP version, but it will take me few more weeks, because I don't have much time for this.

Drag system where you specify start position like in original InSim made long time ago here.

What should be refreshed in relation to the currect script that is included in the Lapper distribution?
If I would know what should be done, I might want to look into it.
You could make a system to reach the 100 display a message? please
Quote from VolksTurbo :You could make a system to reach the 100 display a message? please

That's in Lapper by default.
Look for this section:

#Options for acceleration#

$AccelerationStartSpeed = 1; # At which speed to start measuring time. In km/h
$AccelerationEndSpeed = 100; # At which speed to stop measuring time. In km/h

$AccelerationStartSpeedMph = 1; # At which speed to start measuring time. In Mph
$AccelerationEndSpeedMph = 60; # At which speed to stop measuring time. In Mph

$AccelerationPrivateMaxTime = 10; # Maximum acceleration time in seconds to show message

#Message to show to players.
#Possible variables to use:
#{AccelerationStartSpeed} - Starting speed
#{AccelerationEndSpeed} - Ending speed
#{AccelerationTime} - Acceleration time achieved from start to end speed
#{UnitSpeed} Unit of the Speed of the player connected

Event OnAcceleration( $userName ) # Player event
privMsg( langEngine( "%{main_accel}%" ,GetCurrentPlayerVar("AccelerationTime"),GetCurrentPlayerVar("AccelerationEndSpeed"),GetCurrentPlayerVar("UnitSpeed") ) );

Is there any way that lapper detects when three vehicles on a node, and if a fourth vehicle is parked send it to viewers?
Quote from VolksTurbo :Is there any way that lapper detects when three vehicles on a node, and if a fourth vehicle is parked send it to viewers?

Yeah it's possible to define a node and then count how many cars are on that node.
If the counter reaches 4, the last one who entered the node, is spectated.
There any way to make a system that when there are four vehicles in the last node to be parked there sent it to viewers?

That leaves only three cars parked in a node
Quote from VolksTurbo :There any way to make a system that when there are four vehicles in the last node to be parked there sent it to viewers?

That leaves only three cars parked in a node

Here's the requested script.

-Download and save the file
-Rename it to: parc_ferme.lpr
-Place the file in the "includes" folder
-Open addonsused.lpr
-Add the following line in the "General includes" sections: include( "./parc_ferme.lpr");
Attached files
parc_ferme.txt - 2.1 KB - 230 views
Quote from Yisc[NL] :
Quote from VolksTurbo :There any way to make a system that when there are four vehicles in the last node to be parked there sent it to viewers?

That leaves only three cars parked in a node

Here's the requested script.

-Download and save the file
-Rename it to: parc_ferme.lpr
-Place the file in the "includes" folder
-Open addonsused.lpr
-Add the following line in the "General includes" sections: include( "./parc_ferme.lpr");

Thank you very much Yisc [NL] a question where I add the node in the system?
Quote from VolksTurbo :Thank you very much Yisc [NL] a question where I add the node in the system?

Just anywhere you want.
Drive to point you want to add the node and then type: !setnode
That will register the current node and set a counter to 0.
As soon as someone enters that node, the counter will be raised by 1 and as soon as someone leaves the node, it will be lowered by 1.
If the counter is at 3 and a 4th person enters the node, that last person will be spectated.

Be aware though, nodes are only working on regular tracks, since all X and Y tracks (aka open configs) will always return 0 when current node is used.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :
Quote from VolksTurbo :Thank you very much Yisc [NL] a question where I add the node in the system?

Just anywhere you want.
Drive to point you want to add the node and then type: !setnode
That will register the current node and set a counter to 0.
As soon as someone enters that node, the counter will be raised by 1 and as soon as someone leaves the node, it will be lowered by 1.
If the counter is at 3 and a 4th person enters the node, that last person will be spectated.

Be aware though, nodes are only working on regular tracks, since all X and Y tracks (aka open configs) will always return 0 when current node is used.

Sub And I have to put in LapperStart for the system starts at the beginning of the lapper to node 61?
After Lapper has started, drive your car to the point you want the node to be and then type: !setnode
Then the node will stay registered for as long as Lapper keeps running.
After a restart of Lapper, you have to set the node again.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :After Lapper has started, drive your car to the point you want the node to be and then type: !setnode
Then the node will stay registered for as long as Lapper keeps running.
After a restart of Lapper, you have to set the node again.

Thanks for your help!
Would you do that when you enter a system administrator send a message that says "NickName connected server administrator" thanks
Quote from VolksTurbo :But what I want is to send a message in connection with / msg: s

Have you ever looked at the actual code and read through changes.txt (found in the 'doc' folder of Lapper) to see all that is possible with Lapper?
I don't mind writing scripts that are (a bit) complicated, but something as basic as putting a message on the screen when someone enters, is very basic.
Not to mention the fact that these kind of wishes are useful to learn how Lapper works.

Here's version 1.01 of the Admin notify script, which sends a global message when an admin enters the server.
If you don't want the HUD to be shown, put a # at the start of this line:

openGlobalButton( "admins_present",50,1,100,5,1,-1,36,"^7Admin(s): ". $admin_status . " ^7| Last entered: " . $admin_name . " ^7| At: " . $admin_time_online );

- Download the file and save it somewhere on your computer
- Rename the file from "admin_notify.txt" to "admin_notify.lpr"
- Place the file in the 'includes' folder, found in 'bin\default\'
- Open file "addonsused.lpr" which is also in the 'includes' folder
- Add a line under 'General includes' saying: include ("./admin_notify.lpr");
- Save file "addonsused.lpr"
- Start Lapper

To add or remove admins, open file "admin.txt" which is found in the 'default' folder.
You have to state the LFS username of each admin, one per line.
Attached files
admin_notify.txt - 2.3 KB - 219 views
Thank you can already do what I wanted, one you could not ask to make a system to count the times that you enter the server and for each 1 connections rolled out a new range and when you connect to the server says "NickName is ranking New" after 10 server connections "NickName is
Pro range" and so to go ADDING range?

sorry for my bad English ^^ use google translator
Is there any way to do that when the server logueen hear a song I add?
Yisc[NL] Hello
Is it that we can hear the radio can be done collectively in the server ?
Quote from VolksTurbo :Is there any way to do that when the server logueen hear a song I add?

No, that's not possible.
Quote from mikail669220 :Yisc[NL] Hello
Is it that we can hear the radio can be done collectively in the server ?

No, that's not possible.
Is it possible, for example when I want players to be able to take with me ?
Quote from mikail669220 :Yisc[NL]
Is it possible, for example when I want players to be able to take with me ?

Please, don't use this topic for questions like these.
It will only litter the topic, while I want this topic about scripts only.
How can we do Flashing Text Color ?
Hello Yisc a question, you can make Lapper load an image that is on the computer where you run lapper and displayed on the server?